Samsung Galaxy Gear Review | BGR - BGR | Mobile and tech news, reviews, opinions and insights Previous Article Previous Samsung Galaxy Note 3 review Next Article Next Google Nexus 5 photo shows highest-end Nexus device to ever be released blog comments powered by Disqus Hubs Apple Video: Steve Jobs biographer takes back Apple criticism after ...
Samsung Galaxy Gear review | The Verge Review Samsung Galaxy Gear review The perfect companion for your life companion? By Vlad Savov on October 1, 2013 09:00 am @vladsavov 314Comments Jump To up Top Design me an icon Two great a sea of blandness Specs of a Galaxy life ...
Samsung Galaxy Gear review | Gadgets Reviews | TechRadar Samsung Galaxy Gear review | We take another look at the Galaxy Gear - will the new notifications update make a big difference? Reviews | TechRadar ... What makes a smartwatch these days? Is it something that simply sits on the wrist and buzzes when the .
Samsung Gear 2 review | Gadgets Reviews | TechRadar 2014年4月14日 - Samsung Gear 2 review | Samsung won't give up on your ... This means that you can now change straps on your Galaxy Gear, which is one of the main disadvantages ...
Samsung Galaxy Gear review: Samsung's smartwatch is style over substance Samsung's take on the smartwatch has some potential, and it does get some things right, but its inability ...
Samsung Galaxy Gear review - CNET 27 Sep 2013 ... Samsung's S Voice software lets you control many of the functions by talking to the watch, but you'll ...
Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch review | T3 Is the Samsung Galaxy Gear the smart watch we've been waiting for or just another timepiece? T3 went in for a closer look... ... Update: The Samsung Galaxy Note is now compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S3, the S4 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Previously
Samsung Galaxy Gear review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news Samsung's take on the smartwatch has some potential, and it does get some things right, but its inability to perform truly "smart" functions means it falls far short of expectations. ... I found the Samsung Galaxy Gear to be an awesome supplement to my ..
Samsung Galaxy Gear Smart Watch: Hands On Review, Photos, IFA Samsung's first foray into the nascent smart watch category offers many of the conveniences of a smartphone - including a touchscreen, apps and built-in camera. ... But there are a couple of catches to note up-front. Since it's designed as a "companion de
Galaxy Gear Review: Samsung's elegant companion watch for Note 3 owners | ZDNet Galaxy Gear Review: Samsung's elegant companion watch for Note 3 owners Summary: We don't yet know if there is a smartwatch market, but Samsung's Galaxy Gear leads the pack with a functional and beautiful piece of jewelry. The Galaxy Gear likely has ...