FX-6300 (第1頁) - 中央處理器 - Mobile01 各位魔人好 小弟入手了一顆FX-6300,因為之前的FX-4100買來之後跟隨者主機板一起燒掉了,... ... h355890 wrote: 各位魔人好小弟入手了...(恕刪) AMD原廠散熱器很 ...
滄者極限 - AMD FX-8350 與前一代FX-8150的效能差異(完整版) 新一代FX處理器第一波將會有四名戰將,分別是8核心的AMD FX-8350、FX-8320,6核心的FX-6300,以及4核心的FX-4300。 最高階的FX-8350售價僅有195美金,比起先前FX-8150推出時 ...
【心得】大眾化的選擇FX-6300+AX7850極速+ (新手簡易分享文) @電腦應用綜 ... 經驗:. 超到3.8GHz 沒啥意義. FX-6300. 最高Turbo 可以達4.1GHz. 就算是全核心也 能Turbo 3.8GHz. 也就是基本上這樣做大多情況下都是降效能的.
AMD FX-6300溫度問題 我的主機板是GA-970A-UD3 CPU AMD FX-6300 RAM 金士頓8GB(2GX4)-1333 散熱器 酷媽Hyper 212 EVO 單風扇 電供 Corsair-650W 我CPU有超頻至4.8GHz 請問的的CPU 有時溫度會飆升非常快 1秒內可衝到60度 然後後來溫度又很快的降到10~30度 這正常嗎 然後 ...
AMD FX-6300 Temperature [Solved] - AMD - CPUs Hello. I have a question. I recently bought a new PC to run mmorpg games at nice FPS. I have AMD FX-6300 CPU, MSI Ati Radeon 7790 OC VGA, Asrock 970 Extreme3 motherboard. For now I have a stock cooler, I will change it in 2 or 3 months, so my temperature
Healthy CPU temperature for AMD FX-6300 3.5 GHz 6-Core? [Solved] - CPUs - CPUs I just recently built my first PC and I've been keeping track of my temps, and had a question about my CPU temperatures. At the moment, my idle (well, with a media player, Chrome, Skype, and some other basic "always-on," programs running) temperature from
AMD FX-6300 Temperature - AMD - CPUs - gaspricelow.com My custom built PC is running and AMD FX-6300 CPU with the stock cooler, and i use this computer a lot for gaming and video and image rendering. Tonight i plan on leaving it on overnight to render out 5 hours of footage. When rendering it's temperature us
CPU temperature AMD FX 6300 - Temperature - CPUs Hi guys, i recently built a new pc and everything is fine although i think my CPU temperature may be slightly high. CPU = AMD FX 6300 Fan = Freezer 7 Pro (bought off ebay ...
FX 6300 Temperature Avg? So I was wondering what the average temperature for the FX 6300 is. I have the stock cooler and bee... ... No way! lol we both have the same build XD http://pcpartpicker.com/user/bagrisham/saved/3kIQ here is my full list on the build and tell me PLEASE wh
AMD FX-6300 Temperature - Computer hardware topics - Forumsee Hi guys, i have a question about temperature on AMD FX 6300.I have screenshots from diferent programs that measure temperature in my pc.So i would bi grateful if u could answer me are these temps are good,or i should take my pc to service?Oh and sometimes