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The World's Best Ever: Design, Fashion, Art, Music, Photography, Lifestyle, Entertainment La la la… la la la… looks like Pee-wee Herman has a new movie coming out directly to Netflix. For Pee-wee’s Big Holiday, Pee-wee will go on vacation for the first time ever after being inspired by “a fateful meeting with a mysterious stranger.” It’s pegge
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This Is The Video CNN Will Play When The World Ends Thirty-four years ago, at the launch of Ted Turner's Cable News Network, the founder made a grandiose and specific promise about his newly created round-the-clock operation. "Barring satellite problems, we won't be signing off until the world ends," Turne
The Anthropocene: A man-made world | The Economist Forest conservation: Lidartector May 26th 2011 The advent of the Anthropocene promises more, though, than a scientific nicety or a new way of grabbing the eco-jaded public's attention. The term “paradigm shift” is bandied around with promiscuous ease. But
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