【音樂】Play That Funky Music in the Funky Town, Let's Groove ... 2008年6月15日 ... 這篇我也有推薦喲我喜歡funky music的節奏聽了心情很好又想跳舞^_^; 你也有啊? 呵呵,謝謝呀!
【音樂】Play That Funky Music in the Funky Town, Let's Groove! That's The Way I Like It !-- 經典funky 舞曲四首 相信大家一定常聽人提到Funky、Funk這些字眼,但究竟什麼意思?嗯,文末再提。 先聽幾首歌吧! 這是個下著雨的週末,如果你打算留在家裡不出門,不妨隨著音樂起舞~~OK ...
【音樂】More Funky Music:放克第二課 - Celebration、Fresh、Jam、Freedom!'90、Too Funky以及Can't Speak French @ ★ Har 之前介紹四首在70年代末期到80初期的知名funky舞曲,(點這裡再看一次)這篇再來介紹六首從80年代開始,一直到近年的音樂吧!隨著時代演進,Funky music早已不是主流,但 ...
Funk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid to late 1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and R&B. Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythm
Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music - YouTube Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music Ricardo k Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 1,935 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... 9,272,852 35,180 545 Like Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google AccountRicardo k Sign in Sign in to ...
Funk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 跳到 Electro music - Electro music is a hybrid of electronic music and funk. It essentially follows the ...
Play That Funky Music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 行動版 - "Play That Funky Music" is a funk rock song written by Rob Parissi and recorded by the band Wild Cherry ...
Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry (1976) - YouTube "Play That Funky Music" was a funk rock disco song recorded by the rock band Wild Cherry and written by lead vocalist and guitarist Robert Parissi. The song ... "Play That Funky Music" was a funk rock disco song recorded by the rock band Wild Cherry and .
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