100 Greatest Funk Songs | DigitalDreamDoor.com 2005年8月15日 - 100 Greatest Funk Songs. ... Songs are based on impact, influence, and popularity. .... Scorpio - Dennis Coffey & The Detroit Guitar Band 123.
【音樂】Play That Funky Music in the Funky Town, Let's Groove! That's The Way I Like It !-- 經典funky 舞曲四首 相信大家一定常聽人提到Funky、Funk這些字眼,但究竟什麼意思?嗯,文末再提。 先聽幾首歌吧! 這是個下著雨的週末,如果你打算留在家裡不出門,不妨隨著音樂起舞~~OK ...
Funk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid to late 1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and R&B. Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythm
Funky Music | Song of the Day by Chris Cates Funky Music, Reggae Songs, Rock music U Don’t Believe My Traction February 3, 2014 Chris Cates Leave a comment Back to posting ‘Risky Biscuits’ songs. This one is a super jammer. A little bit reggae a lot rock. We recorded this live with an eight piece ..
Funk Music - What is Funk Music? - Oldies Music Songs and Artists A basic guide to Funk music, its best and most popular artists, bands, singers, and songs, and a history of how the style fits into other areas of pop and rock music. From the ...
100 Greatest Funk Songs - DigitalDreamDoor.com - Home Page - Index for Greatest Music, M Funk music is sometimes overlooked and usually lumped with disco music. However, funk music has its own style and culture and was here before disco's birth, born in the mid-'60s by James Brown. Funk music is usually heavily syncopated with polyrhythmic ..
Top 100 Funk Songs | Best Funk Songs Ever | How Playlist Was Made | Funky Music | Jazz Funk | Disco How The List Was Made There were many things that we considered when building this definitive playlist of the the top 100 funk songs ever. The first and most important of the criteria was that they had to be great songs. There is no point in compiling a '
Funk Music Songs - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Funk : music, art, words, songs, podcasts, reviews "Blessed be the funky, And the unfunky, They too shall be blessed, Just less funky" Funk : music, art, words, songs, podcasts, reviews
Funk Music - Genre, Definition and Origins One of the most distinctive features of funk music is the role played by bass guitar. Before soul music, ... while song structures are usually simpler. Often, the structure of a funk song consists of just one or two riffs. The soul dance music of its day,