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富士山 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 富士山(日文:富士山/ふじさん)是日本一座橫跨靜岡縣和山梨縣的休眠火山,位於東京西南方約80公里處,主峰海拔3776公尺,2002年8月(平成14年),經日本國土地理院重新測量後,為3775.63公尺[2],是日本國內的最高峰。[3]富士山頂於冬季積雪,直至隔 ...
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Fuji mountain bikes?- Mtbr.com Has anyone tried the Fuji mountain bikes? I know they are known primarily for their road bikes, but their mountain bikes look pretty sweet. It seems ... I was looking at one of these a month ago, local bike shop did Fuji's and GT's. I preferred the look o
Fujiyoshida City - 富士吉田市役所 The Fuji Mountain Race is a rigorous, physical and mental challenge and is often considered the most difficult climbing race in Japan. Facing its 68th year, the Fuji Mountain Race is put on annually by Fujiyoshida City Hall's Sports Promotion Section, not
Valles Caldera National Preserve - Special Events Overview Special Events Overview The Valles Caldera National Preserve hosts a wide array of special events, from special guided tours for your group or family to mountain bike events. We offer programs designed to get you out onto the Preserve for a ...
planetFear - Articles - The 2009 Mountain Marathon Kit List This is the 7th year that planetFear has provided THE 'Mountain Marathon Kit List'. Each year we have updated and re-written the previous year's article trying to take into account all the latest equipment and clothing that is available, through planetFea
Buy Mountain (MTB) Bikes - Giant - Kona - Pivot - Alamode - Fuji - Focus - Launceston, Tasmania Pivot Mountain Bikes Pivot represents extreme performance, innovation and technology. Pivot aims to innovate and integrate technologies seamlessly into the bike to ensure your ride is better in every way. Bikes like the legendary Mach 4 and Mach 5 are sma