框架效應 - MBA智库百科 框架效應(Framing effects)框架效應是指一個問題兩種在邏輯意義上相似的說法卻導致了不同的決策判斷。The influence of the information surrounding a decision (the frame) on ...
框架效應- MBA智库百科 框架效應(Framing effects)框架效應是指一個問題兩種在邏輯意義上相似的說法卻導致了不同的決策判斷。
框架效应- MBA智库百科 框架效应(Framing effects)框架效应是指一个问题两种在逻辑意义上相似的说法却导致了不同的决策判断。
Framing effect (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Framing effect is an example of cognitive bias, in which people react differently to a particular choice depending on whether it is presented as a loss or as a gain.
Framing (social sciences) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The effects of framing can be seen in many journalism applications. With the same information being used as a base, the 'frame' surrounding the issue can ...
FRAMING EFFECTS A “framing effect” is usually said to occur when equivalent descriptions of a ... example, in one study, beef described as “75% lean” was given higher ratings than ...
Framing effect (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Treatment A was chosen by 72% of participants when it was presented with positive framing ("saves 200 lives") dropping to only 22% when the same choice was presented with negative framing ("400 people will die"). This effect has been shown in other contex
框架效應- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 在心理學中,框架效應(英语:Framing effect)是一種認知偏差,最早在1981年由阿摩司·特沃斯基與丹尼爾·卡 ...
Framing (social sciences) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In 1988 Irwin Levin and Gary Gaeth did a study on the effects of framing attribute information on consumers before and after consuming a product (1988). In this study they found that in a study on beef. People who ate beef labeled as 75% lean rated it mor
Framing effect [Psychology & OB WIKI] Psychology & OB WIKI Trace: • Framing effect Framing effect My modification of Keysar etal 2012 psycsci to correct some phrasing ... Study 3 (shows that the following framing effect works better under time pressure) You are trying to sell your stereo to r