為什麼你應該閱讀 Flipboard 來取代 臉書、 Twitter App? -電腦玩物 @匿名: 關於是不是要同時追蹤多個社群,這當然是因人而異囉!例如我為什麼要同時追蹤多個社群?很簡單: 1.我是經營社群的作者,當然要追蹤多個社群XD 2.我在FB上大多追蹤網路創業圈的達人,因為他們最常在FB出沒
10步驟上手 Flipboard 社交新聞雜誌,突破閱讀過濾氣泡 -電腦玩物 不好意思,請問一下,要如何把FB的粉絲專頁,加入到Flipboard內建的熱門來源選項呢?也就是說,能讓人不用搜尋,只要進入想要的分類內容,就能直接看到自己的FB粉絲頁。(例如:進入內容→發掘更多→品味生活→STUFF科技時尚誌)
Flipboard (for iPad) Review & Rating | PCMag.com You begin with Flipboard by selecting a topic, or topics, from a grid of 18 options, and tapping the Next icon. This causes Flipboard to quickly compile your digital magazine and display the individual topics (as well as The Daily Edition—more on that lat
Flipboard (for Android) Review & Rating | PCMag.com You begin with Flipboard by selecting at least five topics from a list of over 32,000. The topics vary from the expected and general (News) to deeper, nichier dives (South America Travel). You browse topics by scrolling through an extremely long list or b
Flipboard for the Web Turns Your PC Into a Beautiful Internet Magazine When Flipboard launched for iPad back in 2010, it was like the Seinfeld of digital magazines, a publication about nothing. A year later the app brought its fluid, touch-based reader to smartphones. Now, Flipboard is f inally showing desktops some love. Of
Flipboard For The Web Turns Your PC Into A Beautiful Internet Magazine | Gizmodo Australia When Flipboard launched for iPad back in 2010, it was like the Seinfeld of digital magazines, a publication about nothing. A year later the app brought its fluid, touch-based reader to smartphones. Now, Flipboard is finally showing desktops some love. Of
[iOS/Android]如何在Flipboard直接設定RSS Feed訂閱網站內容 | 電腦王阿達的3C胡言亂語 Google Reader再過兩個月就要走入歷史了,但GR偏偏是很多人訂閱RSS的主要工具,GR被Google判死刑後很多人都在尋找替代的軟體,雖然很多人推薦「Feedly」之類的軟體,很多人不知道其實Flipboard也可以訂閱RSS,這邊阿達就為大家簡單介紹如何設定。 iOS ...
Flipboard | 50 Best Android Apps for 2013 | TIME.com Flipboard is like a personalized miniature magazine for Internet content. It takes stories from around the web and reformats them into little pages of text and images, so you can flip through by swiping up and down. You can also plug in your Twitter or Fa
How to Install Flipboard on Your Mac or PC Want to use popular RSS feeder Flipboard on your computer instead of your mobile device? These videos can show you how to use it on your PC or Mac. ... 16 Signs You Have A Truly Awesome Dad 14 Things Productive People Do In The First 15 Minutes Of The ...
So much for mobile only: Flipboard heads to the desktop - CNET A Web-based version of Flipboard goes live on Tuesday, bringing the flipping motion loved by millions of users to the desktop and beyond. The new app means anyone can view, share and "flip" Flipboard magazine content online, a vision that's much closer to