flip-flopped - 免費網上英漢字典|3Dict {interchange}, {tack}, {switch}, {alternate}, {flip}] [also: {flip-flopping}, {flip-flopped}] flip-flopped See {flip-flop} 語言選擇: 英漢、漢英字典及短句查詢,請輸入任何英文或中文字詞開始 flip-flopped 資料來源 : WordNet® flip-flop n 1: a decision to reverse an ...
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Flip-flop (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Example: "I always assumed that there was an infinity, that all infinite numbers were equal, but I have flip flopped on that since I saw Georg Cantor's proof." Lewis Eigen, in his essay on the cultural difference between politics and scientists, observes,
Collins English Dictionary | Always Free Online If Deve Gowda has flip-flopped on major policy decisions, his strategy of mollifying all parties and partners hasn't exactly worked either. India Today (1996) When they said no and told him he might have to testify, Matte flip-flopped and said he had lied
Flip-flop (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A "flip-flop" (used mostly in the United States), U-turn (used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Pakistan), or backflip (used in Australia and New Zealand) is a ...
Flip-Flopped - definition of Flip-Flopped by The Free Dictionary Informal A reversal, as of a stand or position: a foreign policy flip-flop. 3. A backless, often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong.
flip-flop - definition of flip-flop by The Free Dictionary Informal A reversal, as of a stand or position: a foreign policy flip-flop. 3. A backless, often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong.
第12課 - EPT美語 Flip-flop? 那是甚麼意思啊?你說他一會兒要加強學校(校園)的安全,一會兒又批評學校過於監管學生.嗯~, flip-flop,你是說他翻來覆去的意思吧? Something like ...
Flip-flopped Synonyms, Flip-flopped Antonyms | Thesaurus.com Synonyms for flip-flopped at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms , and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
Flip-flopping | Define Flip-flopping at Dictionary.com Informal. a sudden or unexpected reversal, as of direction, belief, attitude, or policy. 2. a backward somersault. 3. Also called flip-flop circuit. Electronics. an ...