Flashbulb memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A flashbulb memory is a highly detailed, exceptionally vivid 'snapshot' of the moment and circumstances in which a ...
Seared in our memories - American Psychological Association The idea of flashbulb memory was first proposed in 1977 by psychologists Roger Brown, PhD, and James Kulik, PhD, who posited that these memories are so ...
How Accurate Are Memories of 9/11? - Scientific American 2011年9月6日 - These highly emotional recollections were dubbed "flashbulb memories"—but the ...
Do You Really Remember Where You Were on 9/11? | 10th ... 2011年9月6日 - Vivid memories of national events like 9/11 are called flashbulb memories.
Flashbulb Memory - Memory Loss & the Brain (Younger Americans sometimes have flashbulb memories for the explosion of the spaceship Challenger.) ... the emotional content of an event can greatly enhance the strength of the memory formed.
Flashbulb Memory Flashbulb memories are distinctly vivid, precise, concrete, long-lasting memories of a ... Such events could include, for example, the assassinations of John F.
Flashbulb Memories - Socrates Accordingly, most analyses have focused on the accuracy of flashbulb memories. For example, Ulric Neisser has written of his own flashbulb memory for ...
How Reliable are Flashbulb Memories? - PSY 1001 Section ... 2012年2月28日 - This is why flashbulb memories seem to be more vivid than normal ... a flashbulb memory (very emotional and vivid) this example shows how ...
Long-term memory for the terrorist attack of September 11 ... Two of these studies based their conclusions on the vividness or accuracy of flashbulb memories. Kvavilashvili, Mirani ...
Confidence, not consistency, characterizes flashbulb memories Flashbulb memories are not special in their accuracy, as previously claimed, but only in their perceived accuracy.