檢視主題 - Firefox 3嚴重lag • MozTW 討論區 這怎麼回事!!! 我再MAC(四年前的電腦)下用得很順 WINXP下一直當(連現在打字都LAG~字打完都一兩秒後才出現 滑鼠游標漏斗一直閃~我的是四核心的CPU 速度應該不慢 遇到F3變超慢) 開的網頁都一樣喔 哪位神人趕快找 ...
Firefox啟動很慢,教你解決 - 瀏覽器專區 - 電腦系統討論 - 頂客論壇 - 台灣forum,Taiwan論壇bbs 頂客論壇 Firefox啟動很慢,如何解決?教你加速吧! Firefox啟動很慢,如何解決? 很多人喜歡為Firefox灌很多的擴充套件,讓Firefox變得更好用,但是似乎會讓啟動速度變慢,是 ...
FIREFOX: General lag. • mozillaZine Forums viewtopic.php?f=23&t=2456051&p=11897771#p11897771 viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2444861&p=11831033#p11831033 Hmm, still using Win 8 and along with Fx12 bleeding edge Alphas I see, are you running different versions with the same Profile ?
Firefox Support: Firefox Lag - Why Firefox Lags, How Do I Fix It? Is Firefox your favorite web browser? No doubt it is one of the efficient web browsers available online. However, due to some internal errors such as the registry errors the computer experiences Firefox lag. This is a very annoying problem since it does n
Firefox 健康檢查報告顯示你的瀏覽器跑得比平常還慢| Firefox ... 看樣子Firefox 健康檢查報告 顯示你的瀏覽器跑得很慢。這裡可以提供你一個最速修復法——砍掉重練。別擔心,Firefox 的重設功能會保留你所有的書籤、瀏覽紀錄、 ...
My browser lags. Help, please? | Firefox Support Forum ... 2013年1月23日 - 1/23/13 9:03 PM. I've been experiencing some pretty bad lag and slowness with my Firefox browser lately. At first I only experienced these ...
Firefox v.23 causes lagging and sluggishness in flash games 2013年9月27日 - In Windows 7, when global font size is set to larger than normal,. Firefox v.23 also displays large font size inherited from Windows setting.
50個會讓Firefox效能變慢的附加元件 - 笨笨包的天空 2011年4月12日 - 以下是官方公佈會造成Firefox變慢的常用的附加元件兇手: ... #8 SimilarWeb (23% 速度變慢); #9 CoolPreviews (21% 速度變慢); #10 Adblock ...
Firefox 23 or new flash update causing flash to lag : firefox 2013年9月11日 - If I move my mouse over something thats playing video, my mouse starts to lag and stutter over the screen and it gets really sluggish until I ...