Victorian era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Victorian era of British history (and that of the British Empire) was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from 20 June 1837 until her death, on 22 January 1901. It was a long period of peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and national self-confid
Queen Victoria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death. From 1 May 1876, she used the additional title of Empress of India. Victoria was the daughter of
Women of History - M M Ma (1) – (40 – 79 AD) Chinese empress consort (60 – 75 AD) Ma was the daughter of the Marquis Ma Yuan, general of the Emperor Guangwu and his wife Lady Lin. Her father and much of his army died of the plague whilst involved in an expedition against the
Women of History - C C Caba, Irene see Alba, Irene Caba Caba, Irene Gutierrez – (1929 – 1995) Spanish film and television actress Irene Caba was born (April 25, 1929) in Madrid into a theatrical family, being the daughter of Emilio Gutierrez Caba and Irene Caba Alba. She was
哥倫布的浪漫: Feodora 傳說中的賭神巧克力 2011年5月5日 ... 從網路上參考資料得知,Feodora是來自德國的品牌,原本是沒沒無聞的巧克力, 1910年Feodora公爵夫人嘗後大為喜歡,於是將Feodora公爵的 ...
賭神牌巧克力哪裡有賣? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 喜歡吃純巧克力的人,一定不能錯過這個來自德國的Feodora公爵夫人巧克力原本 只是沒沒無聞的巧克力因為當年Feodora公爵吃了之後大為喜歡於是便將 ...
Feodora - Panssica 品饕精選 Feodora 來自德國的FEODORA的巧克力為歐美歐美巧克力中之極品。 這個品牌的 名稱應追溯至德國最後一位女皇(AUGUST VICTORA)的姐妹-FEODORA公爵夫人, ...
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家: 賭神巧克力就是FEODORA的苦味巧克力- yam天空部落 喜歡吃純巧克力的人,一定不能錯過這個來自德國的Feodora公爵夫人巧克力原本 只是沒沒無聞的巧克力因為當年Feodora公爵吃了之後大為喜歡於是便將 ...