預告修正「重金屬檢驗方法總則」草案。 - 公告資訊- 衛生福利部 ... 2013年5月6日 - 三、重金屬檢驗方法總則修正草案總說明及修正對照表如附件。本案另載於本署網站( ...
Drugs@FDA A searchable catalog of FDA approved drug products both prescription and over the counter. The database includes information such as therapeutic equivalents and links to documents relating to approval.
Center For Health and Wellness; FDA Regulations, FDA Compliance, FDA Recalls About FDA Product Approval The Food and Drug Administration's regulatory approaches to marketing approval of the products it regulates are as varied as the products themselves. These differences are dictated by the laws FDA enforces and the relative risks
US FDA Industry Systems - Food and Drug Administration FDA Industry Systems (FIS) was created to facilitate making submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including registrations, listings, and other notifications; FIS includes Food Facility Registration, Prior Notice of Imported Foods, Lo
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Food | FDA Voice By: Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D. Over the last year, a group of senior FDA leaders, under my direction, were tasked to develop plans to modify FDA’s functions and processes in order to address new regulatory challenges. Among these challenges are: the increa
為何要登錄- 食品業者登錄專區- 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 ... (報名專線:0800-588-106) · 食品業者十萬家登錄計畫. :::目前位置:首頁 > 食品 業者登錄專區 > 為何要登錄 ...
邊境查驗專區- 業務專區- 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 查驗流程. 輸入食品/中藥材報驗流程F01食品免輸入查驗及免貼中文標示線上申辦流程. [詳細內容]. 表單下載.
食品藥物消費者知識服務網– 國際食品 - 首頁 - 衛生福利部食品 ... 美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發布Bailey Farms Inc.公司回收疑遭沙門氏菌( Salmonella)污染之新鮮塞拉諾 ...