在Facebook 上和你互相關心程度最高的朋友是誰?簡單方法 ... 最近在網路上流傳一個方法,透過檢查Facebook 網頁的原始碼,裡面會有一串 ... 1、登入Facebook 之後,在頁面空白處按右鍵,並執行選單裡面的「檢視網頁原始碼」。
臉書破解原始碼臉書解密找最關注朋友抓到男友劈好姊妹| Giga Circle 4 天前 ... 臉書成為很多人的主要社交工具,之前網路流傳一種「破解原始碼」的方式,可以知道 眾多好友中誰最常 ...
You can actually see your top facebook stalkers by following these steps : YouShouldKnow -go on facebook -right click anywhere -click "view page source" -ctrl + F, type in "orderfriends" -copy first number -go to www.facebook.com and add "... ... Hey, yeah I'm pretty sure they fixed it...however, I read somewhere that whoever comes up in the
How does facebook determine your ordered friends? - On the "view source" option in facebook, you see Someone said: Well duhhh are they listed as your family? only the people i intereact with the most are on my top friends. ACCEPT family!!! and i have over 500 friends. given the few that tell me they are always on my page... BECAUSE I ASKED THEM. Its not
The B Channel: Nine Friends on Timeline: Stalkers, Crushes, and Where Those Nine Come From What does this mean? It seems to mean that Facebook is basing its rankings on a very long time scale of your activity. And your activity can be hard for you to be an impartial judge of, which is where confirmation bias comes into play. You may think you'r
What's the "ordered friends list initial data" on Facebook mean? What does the facebook ordered friends list initial data mean? ... No way it is random. The top 10 on my list is basically how I'd expect it to play out. At least my top 6 or so interactions on FB. There are a couple in there though that are people I have
FB的"OrderedFriends" - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2012年12月2日 - 點檢視網頁原始碼4.按Ctrl+F 搜尋OrderedFriends5.把第一組數字貼到facebook網址末端6.例如www.facebook.com/1234567897.這就是你FB上最 ...
Re: [程式] FACEBOOK 最關注你的人 - 批踢踢實業坊 請問這篇的功能準嗎? http://mywoofacebook.appspot.com/fb 用這個網址 ... olyvia:另外,fb原始碼orderedfriends,改成chatfriend,是不是累 04/05 ...
國豐郵ipost - 今天在臉書上最紅的消息莫過於好友的隱藏參數 ... ... 中文章出現的機率而這個排名就隱藏在我們FB首頁的原始碼中這個分數應該不只是互相的讚及留言等等... ... http://tw.piliapp.com/event/facebook-ordered-friends/
fb orderedfriends | 部落格熱搜 FB的"OrderedFriends" –. 最近我看到網路上有一張圖上面寫說1.打開facebook2.在頁面任一空白處按右鍵3.點檢視網頁原始碼4.按Ctrl+F 搜尋OrderedFriends5.