Facebook Logout Url - 利用網址登出Facebook - suehilary's 學習筆記 ... 2013年6月28日 ... 一般在網頁上可以直接使用Javascript SDK 裡的FB.logout() 來直接登出Facebook. 但很奇怪的是部分 ...
6.4 Facebook API | 宅學習 - Social Learning Space 3.2 共用 資料庫 3.3 使用者資料 共用 4. 版型(Themes) 4.1 PC版 4.2 觸碰平板 4.3 Mobile版 5. HTML5與Drupal ... 一、 ...
Ncs學習筆記: Facebook Api logout (登出) 2012年4月12日 - 原因:若你的FB是登入狀態,作認證時FB不會跳出任何訊息框,就直接用你的帳號作登入了。 ... 為了避免用錯帳號認證,我想在認證前,自動幫使用者作登出的動作。 ... Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.
Facebook API 之login and logout 實作範例@ T.H. Wang 的 ... 2013年9月15日 - Facebook API 之login and logout 實作範例 ... Facebook 登入登出完成後,會自動導回這個URL ... “
PHP SDK & Graph API base Facebook Connect Tutorial | Thinkdiff.net So to call any graph api just check the manual if you need to pass additional parameters or not. Another example to retrieve user favorite movie names (https://graph.facebook.com/me/movies) use $movies = $facebook->api('/me/movies'); 5. How to use FQL Que
c# - Logout with facebook - Stack Overflow How can I log a user out from my facebook connect website, without using the fb-login button? I would like to do it from codebehind (c#)? ... what facebook API class are you talking about? i'm assuming it's one of the many old libraries that don't use the
Facebook SDK for Android 4 - Authorize and Logout - YouTube http://www.mybringback.com In this Facebook SDK for Android tutorial we will learn how to give our application access (or authorization) to communicate with Facebook. We will set up our button to ask for this authorization, but we will also need a method
php - Facebook API Logout of my app but not facebook - Stack Overflow How do I make a logout using Facebook's api log me out of my app (a website), but keep me logged into facebook.com? This logs me in alright: window.fbAsyncInit ...
FB.logout() - Facebook Developers Best Practices. FB.logout will log the user out of both your site and Facebook. You will need to have a valid access token for the user in order to call the function.
BaseFacebook::getLogoutUrl() - Facebook Developers (optional) Next URL to which to redirect the user after logging out (should be an absolute URL). Returns. A string containing the URL for the logout flow. Was this ...