Facebook Developer Toolkit - API Error Code: 100 API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: Requires valid next URL. This is a simple error I am over looking? The URL in the browser at the time...
facebook api error code list_小平hi_新浪博客 facebook api error code list_小平hi_新浪博客,小平hi, ... Errornumber PHP Constant name Error description Generated by methods 300 API_EC_EDIT Edit failure 310 API_EC_EDIT_USER_DATA User data edit failure
Where can I get the List of Error Codes for Facebook's API? Each method call to the API may return an error instead of the expected result due to possible bugs in either the application's code or Facebook's servers. On this ...
Error codes - FbDevWiki 2012年8月16日 - Within this element, an error code and explanatory message are returned, as well as all ...
Phoca Forum • View topic - Facebook API Error: Unknown method (3) Facebook API Error: Unknown method (3) please help surenc Phoca Newbie Posts: 1 Joined: 12 Apr 2013, 17:53 Top Google Ads Top ... "API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: Please migrate to OAuth2 and use new And I ...
Facebook Developer Toolkit - Api.Notifications.Send() Error: Unknown method I've spending more time on this, and based on the Facebook API reference (http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Notifications.send) I have updated the code to resemble the following ...
FacebookErrorCodes.as - facebook-actionscript-api - Adobe ActionScript 3 SDK for Facebook Platform - * An enumeration class that defines all the possible error codes returned from the Facebook API. * * @see http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Error_codes */ ...
error code 3 unknown method in android facebook app during post message on wall - Stack Overflow Response: {"error_code":3,"error_msg":"Unknown method","request_args":[{"key":"message","value":"Facebook Dialogs are easy!"},{"key":"method","value":"POST"},{"key":"access_token","value": ...
Examples - facebook-java-api - This page contains example code of how to use the newer features of t Facebook returns error code 3 ... ERROR [13-08-08 10:20:31] (FacebookCommands.java:89) - MyApp: Facebook exception: com.facebook.api.FacebookException: Unknown method at com.facebook.api.FacebookRestClient.callMethod(FacebookRestClient.java ...
List of Error Codes for Facebook's API - cosnis - 博客園 3 API_EC_METHOD Unknown method 4 API_EC_TOO_MANY_CALLS Application request limit reached (all) 5 API_EC_BAD_IP Unauthorized source IP address (all) 6 ...