Facebook Developer Toolkit - API Error Code: 100 API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: Requires valid next URL. This is a simple error I am over looking? The URL in the browser at the time...
facebook - API Error Code: 100 - Stack Overflow Just wanted to install my app to a fanpage, but got this message: API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: redirect_uri URL is not properly ...
Matt Woodward's Blog: Facebook API Error Code 100: "Next is not owned by the application" Facebook API Error Code 100: "Next is not owned by the application" Since we're going to open registration for OpenCF Summit before long and launch what I'm calling our "Engage"...
JWorld@TW Java論壇 - android 發到 facebook API Error code:100 Java ME、Google Android 平台與 JavaCard 討論區 - Android - android 發到 facebook API Error code: 100 ... 話題被移動 該話題已被移動 - koji , 2011-10-13 18:41...
Ads API Error Codes - Facebook Developers 1. An unknown error occurred. 4. Application request limit reached. 10. Application does not have permission for this action. 17. User request limit reached. 100.
facebook api error code list_小平hi_新浪博客 facebook api error code list_小平hi_新浪博客,小平hi, ... Errornumber PHP Constant name Error description Generated by methods 300 API_EC_EDIT Edit failure 310 API_EC_EDIT_USER_DATA User data edit failure
Ads API Error Codes This topic provides information about the error codes returned by the Ads- API. Error Code Description 1 ...
Using the Graph API - Facebook Developers The Graph API is the primary way to get data in and out of Facebook's social graph. ..... The code and error_subcode are the most relevant information for error ...
facebook api - Microsoft Community 大家好 我用ASP。NET C#建立一個網站。我的原意是用使用Facebook帳戶登錄到我的網站,但我遇到一個問題。情況是當我點擊FB按鈕,我得到了一個錯誤如下: API Error Code: 191 API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application Error ...
Error codes - FbDevWiki 2012年8月16日 - Within this element, an error code and explanatory message are returned, as well as all ...