掌握 Evernote 最新訊息! 即時瀏覽中文版 Evernote 新聞,掌握第一手資訊!亦可參閱英文版部落格討論,獲取更多有關Evernote 應用、使用心得等相關訊息。 ... 在新的拍照模式中,我們在快拍鍵旁邊加入一個按鈕,讓您快速選擇標註工具。按下螢幕中的空心按鈕之後,就可以選擇快 ...
活用 Evernote ,你應該學會的 10 個特殊操作技巧教學 ... 參考:Evernote 時間管理教學 ,比鬧鐘更有用提醒每日工作備忘 小結: Evernote 不管在電腦端、 App ...
掌握Evernote 最新訊息! | Evernote Corporation 在新的引擎推動下,現在同步的速度比以前快四倍,適用任何您使用的 Evernote 版本。同步 ... 家裡的電器說明書、報刊雜誌、水電煤氣費賬單等各種紙質文檔,直接用 Evernote Android 版或 iPhone的相機拍下,彈指間就能數位化,為家裡節省空間。
讓Evernote 不只是筆記,10 大App 變身生活管家:意 ... - T客邦 2013年12月16日 - Evernote 已經是許多科技人必備的數位筆記工具,不過在功能上還有許多可以發揮的地方。這次我們就要介紹10 款App,透過手繪、自我學習、名片等功能,甚至是變身部落格,大幅強化Evernote 的 ... 標籤:教學, evernote, 數位筆記.
Evernote Blog - Remember Everything. Tips & Stories 15 Aug 2014 Postach.io: The Easiest Way For Educators to Blog Postach.io is a simple blogging platform that is powered by all of your Evernote documents. Find out how it's helping educators share knowledge and their student's work. Read mor
Ruud Hein » Evernote GTD How To The Person Hard-core family man. Loyalty. Strength. Dedication to one another. A love of words, writing, reading, listening, singing, praising, rejoicing. ... The following 15 minute setup enables you to use Evernote as a frictionless GTD list application
開始使用iPhone 和iPod Touch 版Evernote Hello | Evernote 從聯絡資訊,到相片、位置,以及每次相遇的詳細記事,Evernote Hello 能提供所有您需要的內容,絕不會忘記任何細節。 本指南將介紹使用iPhone 和iPod Touch ...
Handwriting Arrives in Evernote for Android - Evernote Blog Handwriting in Evernote for Android is lets you easily move from writing to typing to photos and back all within a single note. ... Fantastic! I have been looking at the Samsung Note 8.0 for months, but never pulled the trigger because there was no Penult
Discontinued support for Evernote Hello | Knowledge Base | Evernote As of February 7, 2015, Evernote discontinued support for Evernote Hello and won’t be making any further updates to the app. FAQs What will happen after February 7, 2015? The app will no longer work. We recommend you save your contacts to Evernote or your
Evernote ending support for BlackBerry 7, BlackBerry Playbook, Hello and Peek on February 7th | Mobi Note taking and archiving service Evernote has announced that it will end support for a number of platforms or clients that it feels is no longer relevant. To start with, the company is saying goodbye to two of its own, Evernote Hello and Evernote Peek. T