開始使用 Windows 桌上型電腦版 Evernote | Evernote 新增附件 幾乎任何內容都可以附加到記事,包括文件、影像和音訊。若要新增附件,只需直接拖曳到筆記,或在記事編輯器中點選下面任一按鈕: 音訊:點擊按鈕,馬上開始錄音。可使用電腦支援的麥克風錄音.
Evernote Download How to download and install Evernote. Get started with Evernote now.
Evernote Touch app for Windows in the Windows Store Learn more about Evernote Touch by Evernote and download it from the Windows Store ... Evernote is an easy-to-use, free app that helps you remember everything across all of your devices. You can create a plaintext note on your Windows 8 tablet, and then o
Evernote | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States) Browse or download Evernote, certified for Windows Phone. ... Evernote turns your phone into an extension of your brain. This award-winning app lets you remember and recall ...
Getting Started with Evernote for Windows Desktop | Evernote What's New in Evernote 5.0 for Windows Desktop. Evernote 5.0 introduces over 100 new features and improvements ...
Getting Started with Evernote Touch for Windows 8 | Evernote Remember Everything. Welcome! Evernote is the easy and powerful way to remember everything, from lifelong ...
Windows 市集中Windows 適用的Evernote Touch 應用程式 - Apps 深入了解Evernote 所開發的Evernote Touch 並從Windows 市集下載.
Getting Started with Evernote Touch for Windows 8 | Evernote Nav Bar: Tap the icons here to navigate to the Notebook List or Tags List. The Nav Bar is always available in Evernote Touch for Windows 8 by swiping from the top or bottom edge of the screen. App Bar: Tap the icons to sort the Note List, manually sync yo
開始使用Windows 8 版Evernote Touch | Evernote 本指南將向您介紹使用Evernote 的基本知識,包括如何建立、編排、同步處理、搜尋與共用記事 ... 免費帳戶包括本入門指南所涵蓋的Evernote 核心功能以及更多功能。
Evernote Products | Evernote Download Evernote. Also Available for Windows. Also Available for Mac. Available for Windows and Mac. Download for mobile and tablet. Apple App Store.