[德國交通攻略Q&A] 從德國 Kehl 往返法國史特拉斯堡更優惠的票種:EUROPASS 24h (Family) Mini | 從德國出發,歐洲走透透 您好 請問:我三月底想要帶兩個孩子(13&15歲)從frankfurt到fussen,該如何買票最划算? 我上DB網站試著點選frankfurt hbf到fussen hbf來回票價居然要200-300歐元,真是嚇壞我了.我知道14歲以下孩子免費,也知道bahncard優惠票,但是可能不會常常搭火車 所以不太考慮買.
請教EUROPASS-Family 24h Mini - 背包客棧 [德國]請問如果我2014/2/5從Stuttgart to Karlsruhe已經有買DB,但是從Karlsruhe to Strasbourg想買EUROPASS-Family 24h Mini不過上下面這一個網頁後都無法買(一方面也是看不懂啦),所以想請教這個網頁要買20...
請教EUROPASS-Family 24h Mini - 背包客棧自助遊旅遊網 [德國]請問如果我2014/2/5從Stuttgart to Karlsruhe已經有買DB,但是從Karlsruhe to Strasbourg想買EUROPASS-Family 24h Mini不過上下麵這一個網頁後都無法買(一方面也是看不懂啦),所以想請教這個網頁要買20...
Frankfurt法蘭克福-Strasbourg 史特拉斯堡-Heidelberg 海德堡-Frankfurt 然後,我會在那買Europass 24h mini,還有family的,看大家在問,看很久,終於給他看懂了. 查了很久,很多人都寫要在Khel買,可是也有上面寫Offenburg 買 反正我決定在這買買看. 這個票還可以在Strasbourg搭他們的公共交通,都含在內了,不貴. 回程也選了好幾次,應該還 ...
Strasbourg 施特拉斯堡 | Laputa of the cute little White's 用的EUROPASS-Family 24h Mini,两人10,6欧。具体链接如下:EUROPASS 24H。 在Appenweier换乘的时间倒不是很长,而且在朝着Strasbourg的站台上能看到很多同行的人。单程的时间也就十多分钟,一节胶囊车厢,看上去就像是不会有人查票 ...
Day trips from Frankfurt - Germany Forum - TripAdvisor Or buy an EUROPASS 24h Mini for EUR 6,00. This 24 hours ticket covers again the trams and buses in Strasbourg but also the trains from Kehl to Strasbourg. ...
Day trips from Frankfurt - Germany Message Board - TripAdvisor Is it more cost effective to take day trips by train round trip from Frankfurt to Cologne,Wiesbaden or should I find separate hotels in those cities? Same situation in Baden-Baden to ...
Stratsbourg to Europa park - Rust Forum - TripAdvisor Pleas can anyone give me some advice my son is desperate to go to Europa park for his 16th birthday in September. Flights are cheap to stratsbourg but then we have been quoted 300 euros for 8 of us single trip on shuttle as we are all one family...
TGO Tarifverbund Ortenau GmbH - Europass 24h EUROPASS 24h Mini gültig in Zone 20(Kehl) und Strasbourg (CUS) 6,60 € Downloadbereich Kundeninformation (1,112 MB) zweisprachige Kundeninformation EUROPASS downloaden/einsehen! Diese Information ist beiderseits des Rheins kostenlos erhältlich ...
TGO Tarifverbund Ortenau GmbH - Europass-Family 24h EUROPASS-Family 24h Mini gültig in Zone 20 (Kehl) und Strasbourg (CUS) 10,90 € Downloadbereich Kundeninformation (1,112 MB) zweisprachige Kundeninformation EUROPASS downloaden/einsehen! Diese Information ist beiderseits des Rheins kostenlos ...