國際貿易問題~~ETS是什麼意思? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2011年6月15日 - ETA=Estimated Time Of Arrival 預計到達日ETD=Estimated Time Of.Delivery預計開航日ETS 又是什麼 ?
Sailing for HOPE ~ 談海運 - 國際貿易輕鬆學 - 新浪部落 Sailing for HOPE ~ 談海運 每一艘從高雄港或基隆港駛出的貨櫃輪,都滿載著台灣的希望,這也是台灣奇蹟的濫觴 ( The Fountainhead of Taiwan Miracle )。 AYA 曾經利用到墨西哥出差回程在舊金山轉機時,進城去玩了兩天一夜。
Sailing for HOPE ~ 談海運- 國際貿易輕鬆學 - 新浪部落 - 新浪網 2005年10月26日 - 結關日期(Close Date)、開航日期( ETD = Estimated Time of Departure) 及抵達日期( ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival) 要確實掌握,以便如期進 ...
ETD collection: Browse by Department - E - Digital Library and Archives, University Libraries, Virgi Want to help improve this system? Take a quick survey online! A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All Author Name Title Department Wrenn, William B Fisheries studies in relation to a long
MOL (HK) Agency Ltd. Oct 16, 2014 Congestion Surcharge at Destination for Intra-Asia Shipment Oct 16, 2014 Congestion Surcharge at Origin for Intra-Asia Shipments Oct 10, 2014 New Arrangement on Shenzhen EIR Fee 1st Nov 2014 Oct 6, 2014 MOL Restructure Asia to South Africa ..
Get FERI Certificate for DR Congo - Authorized Agency | Neta Uluslararası Taşımacılık Denizcilik ve All cargoes that will be sent to Democratic Republic of Congo, may be export goods, transit cargoe or a return good, requires a loading certificate. This certificate can only be prepared by authorities assigned by OGEFREM.
D&D Travel Glossary You may have encountered terms or phrases in the travel industry that may not be familiar to you. In order to assist you in planning a vacation, we present the following glossary of traveler's terms. Even a seasoned traveler may not be aware ...
外贸术语ETD,ETA指什么?_百度知道 外贸术语ETD,ETA指什么?etd=estimate time of delievery 预计装船 ... 2006-11- 09 09:19 hattie1219 | 分类:贸易. 分享到 ...
ETA 貿易用語集 | らくらく貿易 貨物の出発・到着予定を確認するときに使われる貿易英語。 ワンポイント:「NIPPON MARU ETD YOKO AUG 1 ETA SHA AUG ...
海外貿易でETDやETAって何の事を指しているんでしょうか?勉強不 ... 2005年2月6日 - 既に前の人が回答をされておりますが、 ETD : estimated departure date. ETA: estimated arrival date のことです。本船が港を出帆する日、及び本船が目的 ...