遊戲Qa - 《新楓之谷》 - error code : 38 (Reached the end of the file.) - MeetGee! 密技Qa網 error code : 38 (Reached the end of the file.) ... 硬碟重組一下比較好歐 你最近有刪資料的話 要重組一下
Error code 38: (Reached the end of the file) GM help !!! - Extalia Forum ( GM financial account of me please test and fix "Error code 38: (Reached the end of the file)", please thank.:) Account: nhoxsamsad. IGN: zZzzSaMzzZz.
MapleStory Error code 38 reached end of file? - MapleStory Forum ... VIPauthority. Hey guys. does anyone know how to go about fixing the error code 38? i crashed 5 times in 10 minutes or so.. getting really annoyed please help.
MapleStory Error code 38: (Reached the end of file ... - Basil Market MiceOnIce. Error code 38: (Reached the end of file) is anyone else getting this message shortly after beginning play? MapleStory Screen: Purple surf board from ...
MapleStory Error code -38 reached the end of file - MapleStory ... I had my shop up, and I came back to see I got an error code -38 reached the end of file. What does this mean?
MapleStory Error Code 38? Reached end of file? - MapleStory Forum ... Soo i keep d/cing randomly and almost always it would say error code 38 reached end of file. What does this mean?
MapleStory Help! I get Error code : 38 (Reached the end of the ... MapleStory Guides, Quests, Items, Skills, MapleStory2. ... I get Error code : 38 ( Reached the end of the file.) MapleStory ...
error code 38 reached the end of the file maplestory???? - Extalia ... after the new patch v122 every time i login, it crashes and the game closes.... what am i supposed to ...
Maplestory Question: What does it mean when it says "error code : 38 (Reached the end of the file.)" yea i got the same problem too because every time I choose a server it gives me the error 0 0 Comment Shawn answered 5 years ago ... Maplestory Question: What does it mean when it says "error code : 38 (Reached the end of the file.) ...
Error code 38 (Reached end of the file) - Southperry.net Error code 38 (Reached end of the file) Describe the problem. Be as specific as possible!: on 1/1/2014 with the new year events i started this collecting quest after i was hunting the quest items in mutant snails map i went back to ruined henesys then i w