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EPUB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia History [edit] EPUB became an official standard of the IDPF in September 2007, superseding the older Open eBook standard. In August 2009, the IDPF announced that they would begin work on maintenance tasks of the EPUB standard. Two broad objectives were ..
EPUB Reader - Free download all the popular EPUB/ebook readers here EPUB (short for electronic publication; alternatively capitalized as ePub, EPub, or epub, with "EPUB" preferred by the vendor) is a free and open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). EPUB is designed for reflowable content
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sigil - The EPUB Editor - Google Project Hosting Blogs Sigil's development blog External links Sigil Help Forum at MobileRead Sigil User Guide Project code moved to Github The source code for Sigil is no longer being managed on Google Code. It is now available on GitHub and can be accessed at https://gi
Is it possible to download an ePub eBook to a Nokia Lumia 520 from a - Microsoft Community I have transferred an ePub eBook to my Nokia Lumia 520 from my computer. When I open the phone in my computer, the book is shown there, but I cannot find it my phone. Is ...
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EPub: Create ebook in EPUB format for ex. Apple iPad - PHP Classes This class can be used to create create an ebook in EPUB format for Apple iPad and other ebook readers. It can set the ebook details like the author, publisher, comments, etc., as well the ebook chapter data. The class builds an archive with all the ebook