23個可用的 eMule、ed2k 伺服器 | 重灌狂人 謝謝不來恩兄,請教了: 我用的是eMule v0.48a VeryCD 版本,這個跟eMule的主畫面好像不同,要怎樣把這些伺服器名單掛上去呢? 我看了VeryCD畫面上的功能表是: 選項>伺服器>列表 出現一個txt的文字檔,上面是server list
[下載] eMule v0.50a Final 最新版,下載教學! | 重灌狂人 我的 emule都找 不到伺服器耶~ 伺服器清單那邊都沒東西~ 請問該怎麼辦? ... 用 eMule搜尋都會出現詭異的[% 搜尋 ...
eDonkey network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Files on the eDonkey network are uniquely identified using MD4 root hash of an MD4 hash list of the file. This treats files with identical content but different names as the same, and files with different contents but same name as different. Files are div
aMule 免費P2P 下載工具(支援Windows, Mac, Linux 等系統) | 重 ... 2013年7月14日 ... 軟體名稱:aMule; 軟體版本:2.3.1; 軟體語言:繁體中文、英文、簡體中文..等多國語言; 軟體性質:免費 ... Mac 版的aMule 經常當掉(真的超級頻繁的),穩定性超差的。害我 必須要開VMware ...
【eMule】 Mac OS X Lion正式版VMWare虛擬機鏡像(原版鏡像安裝)-遠景-Windows 8.1,update1,專業版,系統下載,Windows Phone ... 上篇帖子地址:,http://bbs.pcbeta.com/viewthread-897296-1-1.html【emule下載】,mac,os,x,lion正式版vmware虛擬機鏡像(原版鏡像安裝)使用mac,lion,正式,... ,遠景 - Windows 8.1,update1,專業版,系統下載,Windows Phone
aMule Download | eMule.com aMule 2.3.1 is the latest version for MAC users who are interested in having their own P2P download manager. It has the same characteristics as eMule, so Mac ...
aMule for Mac | MacUpdate Download, install or update aMule (Mac) - eMule-like client for ed2k network - from MacUpdate.
aMule - all-platform eMule P2P Client | SourceForge.net 2013年5月7日 - Download aMule - all-platform eMule P2P Client. ... It connects to the eDonkey2000 network, supports Linux, Mac, Solaris, *BSD platforms, and ...
Welcome to aMule, the all-platform eMule-like P2P client That means that all your mail you're keeping in your @amule.org mailbox will be lost. Please download it and keep in a safe place if it's important. Since we also ...
aMule (Mac) - Download aMule, free download. ... sharing networks and clients you can use to obtain free music, video and files like FrostWire.