經驗主義(Empiricism)與理性主義(Rationalism)各自的知識論與 ... 2008年6月20日 - 經驗主義的知識論:主張一切知識起源於經驗而非理性,經驗成於兩要素:其一為 ...
知識論與教育 - {中華百科全書‧典藏版} 一、理性主義(Rationalism):理性主義的思想家重視人類所特有的理性(Reason) 功能,運作理性 ... 二、經驗主義(Empiricism):經驗主義的知識論不承認人有所謂的先天觀念,都認為人性如「臘 ...
Empiricism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A central concept in science and the scientific method is that it must be empirically based on the evidence of the senses. Both natural and social sciences use working hypotheses that are testable by observation and experiment. The term semi-empirical is
Rationalism vs. Empiricism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) The dispute between rationalism and empiricism concerns the extent to which we are dependent upon sense experience in our effort to gain knowledge. ... Mirror Sites View this ...
Empiricism | Define Empiricism at Dictionary.com Now he writes pop songs about scientists who were less absurd about their empiricism. The champions of empiricism show an unattractive hubris when they go after what they see as pseudoscience. We are finite emotional creatures, but empiricism ...
empiricism - definition of empiricism by The Free Dictionary He, by some wonder of vision, saw beyond the farthest outpost of empiricism, where was no language for narration, and yet, by some golden miracle of speech, investing known words with unknown significances, he conveyed to Martin's consciousness messages .
Empiricism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Learn More About EMPIRICISM SCRABBLE ®: Playable words you can make from "empiricism" Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about "empiricism" Browse Next Word in the Dictionary: empirio-Previous Word in the Dictionary: empirical truth All Words Near: empi
Empiricism - Rick Grush's Home Page EMPIRICISM is the theory that experience rather than reason is the source of knowledge, and in this sense it is opposed to rationalism. This general thesis, however, can receive different emphases and refinements; hence, those philosophers who have been l
Radical empiricism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Radical empiricism is a pragmatist doctrine put forth by William James. It asserts that experience includes both particulars and relations between those particulars, and that therefore both deserve a place in our explanations. In concrete terms: any philo
empiricism - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com Empiricism means a method of study relying on empirical evidence, which includes things you've experienced: stuff you can see and touch.