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EMRO™ - EM | Effective Microorganisms EMRO EM Research Organization Inc. (EMRO) was created in 1994 and its operational base is located in Uruma City in Okinawa. Its objective is to back up at a World level the EM technology and the philosophy of Dr. Higa. This organization control the ...
大人的沖繩!鬆弛身心之旅特集|日本旅遊活動 VISIT JAPAN CAMPAIGN 沖繩休閒度假勝地度過幸福時光,來趟療癒身心之旅。 ... 總共97間精緻講究的客房全都擁有45平方公尺以上寬敞舒適的奢華空間。高爾夫球道及在沖繩本島中被譽為最美麗海洋的東支那海名護灣、本部半島的伊江島,四周美景一覽無遺。
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中部地區(宜野灣·北谷·沖繩·讀谷)酒店一覽 - 樂天旅遊 日本 冲繩縣 中部地區(宜野灣·北谷·沖繩·讀谷) ,中部地區(宜野灣·北谷·沖繩·讀谷)酒店一覽,殘波岬,樂天旅遊 ... LIFE IS A JOURNEY 30, Nagahama, Yomitan-village, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa 904-0324, Japan 賓館提供地圖 電子地圖 海景優美的旅館,立地良好 ...
【日本沖繩】來場EM的完美渡假.野菜旬感& EM SPA CORAZON @ 小 ... 2013年3月9日 ... COSTA VISTA Okinawa飯店景觀優美,東邊可眺望太平洋, 西邊可眺望東中國海, 獨家研發並提倡EM ...
Okinawa Hotel Costa Vista Okinawa Hotel is EM spa Costa Vista Okinawa hotel. Have finest healing such as dish, spa facility which were particular ...