Ubuntu Linux Official site; Commercially sponsored Debian-derived Linux distribution that focuses on usability, a regular 6-month release cycle, and a commitment to at least 18 months of security updates for every release.
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Eeebuntu 專屬Eee PC小電腦的Ubuntu作業系統| 重灌狂人 2008年12月20日 - Eeebuntu是一個專門針對Eee PC電腦作修改的Linux作業系統,他是以目前最新版本的Ubuntu v8.10系統為基礎下去改的,跟之前的「ubuntu eee」 ...
Linux on the ASUS EEEPC - MichaelMinn.com 2013年3月31日 - Describes how to set up an Ubuntu Linux operating system on a Asus Eee PC 1000HD notebook computer.
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努力的小李: eeePC 安裝Linux 2012年11月6日 ... EeePC不適用目前Ubuntu 12.04,但是Ubuntu Linux為EeePC量身訂造了Easy Peasy。
How to Install Linux on an Eee PC | eHow Download an .ISO disc image installation file for the version of Linux you'd like to install on your Eee PC (see References). Go to the website of the Linux version (Ubuntu.com, for instance) you want and click the "Download" button.
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