Windows 7 on EeePC 901 綜合測試報告 (第1頁) - Asus - Mobile01 話說回來,剛好跟研究所同學小白聊天時提到他手頭有兩台ASUS的Eee PC可以借測,所以kb就千里迢迢跑到關渡去扛了一台701一台901來借玩。
請教Asus Eee PC 901 Windows XP 還原光碟載點[已解決] - 打屁閒聊- 痞 ... 請問各位會員是否知道Asus Eee PC 901 Windows XP 還原光碟在那裡可以取得?
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Laptop Part Store - laptop parts, CPU fan, LCD video Cable, LCD hinges, LCD inverter How to Replace Acer Aspire 7000 7100 9300 9400 LCD Hinges & Brackets How to Replace the Dell Latitude E6430 / E6430 ATG Keyboard How to replace Lenovo Thinkpad X60 X60S X61 X61S Inverter.. How to Replace Lenovo IBM Thinkpad T410 T410i LCD Video ...
Reinstall / Recover Windows XP On Asus Eee PC 900HA Anonymous Also I meant to make mention I did not have HDF: see below @echo off REM Source set DVD_ROM=D: REM Password set IMG_PWD=%2 REM HDID set HD_COUNT=1 If %HD_COUNT% LEQ 0 goto END If %HD_COUNT% EQU 1 goto COUNT1 If ...
Install Windows XP on Asus Eee PC | Serban Ghita Summary Introduction What do you need Creating a bootable USB stick (or hdd) Installing Windows XP from the USB stick Installing ASUS Eee PC drivers ASUS Eee PC Tips and Tricks (hardware & software) Article references 1. Introduction In December 2008 i ..
【分享】Asus Eeepc 901 最簡單既recovery方法(頁1) - NetBook 族群 ... EeePC 901 XP Support DVD iso file 2. USB Stick (最少8 GB) 3. UltraISO Trial Version
eeepc+xp+iso | 好好搜 Ottimo sito per scaricare iso di XP moddate e x eeePC | Sesto ...11 ago 2008 ... Ottimo sito per scaricare ...
eeepc+901+xp+iso | 好好搜 I would also suggest on using a Windows SP2 cd or iso and then update it online ..... Mine is eeepc 901 ...
Netbooks/ASUS/EeePC/901/Images - k0k0 ISO.ccf 2.19 KiB 04 Oct 2012 - 04:21:33 ... Version, date:, 2008-06-11 • OS: Windows XP