The economics of obesity: dietary energy density and energy cost Abstract Highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the United States are found among the lower-income groups. The observed links between obesity and socioeconomic position may be related to dietary energy density and energy cost. Refined grains ...
公用氣體燃料事業最適規模與合併效率性之估計 2001年6月14日 ... 估計參數選定時,分成規模經濟(economy of scale)、範疇經濟(economy of scope) 與密度經濟(economy ...
economies of density是什么意思_economies of density在线翻译_ ... 通过质量流量控制器等来实现的密度控制。 We achieve economies of scale in production. 我们取得了大规模生产的经济 ...
密度经济是什么意思_密度经济的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句- 必应 ... 必应词典为您提供密度经济的释义,网络释义: economies of density; economy of density; Economies of Traffic Density;
密度與規模經濟在設施農業之應用 - TEPS- 文章書目;-1 Alternative Title, An Application of Economies of Density and Scale to Facility Agriculture-A Case Study of the ...
汽車貨物運輸業成本結構與相關彈性之分析 - CEPS- 文章書目;-1 汽車貨運業與汽車路線貨運業都具有密度經濟或輕微密度經濟。3. ... their economic characteristics (ex. economies of density, elasticity of output, elasticity of input price, average cost and marginal cost).
汽車貨物運輸業成本結構與相關彈性之分析 - TEPS- 文章書目;-1 汽車貨運業與汽車路線貨運業都具有密度經濟或輕微密度經濟。3. ... their economic characteristics (ex. economies of density, elasticity of output, elasticity of input price, average cost and marginal cost).
台灣電業之長短期規模經濟與密度經濟研究 - 國家圖書館全國博碩士論文 ... 短期規模經濟與密度經濟研究. 論文名稱(外文): Scale Economies and Density Economies in Taiwan Power Company.
The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH. Monday, October 6, 2014. HOME PAGE. The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall.