ADT Plugin | Android Developers Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications. ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let ...
Help - Eclipse Platform Workbench User Guide Eclipse platform overview Getting started Basic tutorial The Workbench Editors and views Editors Views A simple project Using the File menu Using the popup Using the New button Closing ...
Rinzo XML Editor - Eclipse xml editor Welcome. Rinzo is a free open source Eclipse plugin that provides pure and java integrated xml documents edition.
HTML Formatter: Indents and formats HTML, ColdFusion, XML, and supports Eclipse, CFEclipse, Dreamwea HTML Formatter: Indents and formats HTML, ColdFusion, XML, and supports Eclipse, CFEclipse, Dreamweaver, and Homesite! Save yourself hours of debugging by using this! Format CFEclipse code and indent eclipse code easily.
Eclipse Notes See more complete and better stuff like this in my friend Scott's Eclipse Keys, in particular, consult the "Navigate keys" list. Comparing code To compare your code with what you got out from the repository or what has been committed since, right-click on
How to use the eclipse code formatter from your code | ssssssssssscripting !!! I was wondering if I could use the Eclipse Code Formatter from inside my code ... so, the logical thing to do was to ask on stackoverflow, and see if anyone knew how to do that. Thanks to VonC's answer, I found out about the CodeFormatter class ... and 10
PHP Development Tools - Official Site Eclipse Package for PHP Developers The essential starting point for PHP developers, including a PHP language support, a Git client, XML Editor and Mylyn. Click on the buttons below to start downloading package for specific OS. OS X 32 bit 64 bit Windows 3
formatting - How do I change Eclipse to use spaces instead of tabs? - Stack Overflow For the Java editor it's as Brian mentions: Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Edit->Indentation = "Spaces Only" However, for the default text editor: Window->Preferences->Editors->Text Editors->Insert spaces for tabs On Eclipse 3.6 (and la
The Official Eclipse FAQs - Eclipsepedia Part I -- The Eclipse Ecosystem The Eclipse Community Eclipse has taken the computing industry by storm. The download data for the Eclipse Software Development Kit (SDK) is astounding and a true ecosystem is forming around this new phenomenon. In this ...
Recommended Eclipse Plug-ins - Information Services and Technology | UC Berkeley IST Aptana: The Eclipse plugin for the Aptana IDE must be installed prior to RadRails installation. Update site is Accept defaults to install all Aptana sub-products; if desired, see ...