eclipse - Can't see Android SDK Manager option after ... 2012年12月14日 - I've seen several solutions to this, but none have yet worked. ... I think perspective has been changed by you. Go to Windows -> Open ...
android - Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse - Stack ... 2012年8月19日 - Seems like I'm having some problems after updating my android sdk ... I have solved this as follows: Window > Customize Perspective... (you will ...
SDK Manager | Android Developers The Android SDK separates tools, platforms, and other components into packages you can download using the SDK Manager. You can launch the SDK Manager in one of the following ways: You can select which packages you want to download by toggling the ...
Adding SDK Packages | Android Developers As a minimum when setting up the Android SDK, you should download the latest tools ... The Android Support Library provides an extended set of APIs that are ...
Android SDK | Android Developers Download the official Android SDK to develop apps for Android-powered devices .
Managing AVDs with AVD Manager | Android Developers The AVD Manager is an easy to use user interface to manage your AVD (Android Virtual Device) configurations.
謙言謙語: 建置 Android 開發環境 (JDK, Android SDK, Eclipse, ADT) 安裝與設定 安裝 JDK 安裝 Android SDK 安裝 Eclipse 及 Android 開發工具外掛 ADT ( Android Development Tools ) 使用 ADT ...
eclipse - Android SDK and AVD Manager installation - Stack Overflow I am new to android development. Have tried a couple times downloading the Android SDK and ADT plugin for Eclipse In the Android SDK and AVD manager load fine but will not ...
eclipse - AVD Manager - Cannot Create Android Virtual Device - Stack Overflow I just installed the Android Eclipse Plugin and the Android SDK from Google yesterday. I open the AVD ...
Eclipse SDK Manager Not Showing up | I am an Android beginner and I need some help. According to the ANDROID SDK MANAGER, ARM EABI v7a System Image API 17 is installed in Eclipse Mobility on a Windows 7 32 bit desktop computer. However, when I attempt to run my app, I get a message ...