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Synecdoche | Define Synecdoche at Dictionary.com figure of speech in which a part represents the whole, as in the expression "hired hands" for workmen or, less commonly, the whole represents a part, as in the use of the word "society" to mean high society. Closely related to metonymy-the replacement of
Ecstasy | Define Ecstasy at Dictionary.com 2. delight, bliss, elation. Ecstasy, rapture, transport, exaltation share a sense of being taken or moved out of one's self or one's normal state, and entering a state of intensified or heightened feeling. Ecstasy suggests an intensification of emotion so
entry - definition of entry by The Free Dictionary en·try (ĕn′trē) n. pl. en·tries 1. a. The act or an instance of entering. b. The privilege or right of entering. 2. Sports The act of entering the water in completing a dive. 3. A means or place by which to enter. 4. a. The inclusion or insertion of an it
Anecdote dictionary definition | anecdote defined noun A short account of an interesting or humorous incident. pl. an·ec·dotes or an·ec·do·ta Secret or hitherto undivulged particulars of history or biography. Origin of anecdote French, from Greek anekdota, unpublished items: an-, not; see a– 1 + ekdota,
Missionary dictionary definition | missionary defined of or characteristic of missions or missionaries, esp. religious ones Origin of missionary Modern Latin (Ec) missionarius
The Parliament Building of Quebec: A Place of Memory The Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America! As you browse the site, you will learn about the heritage of French-speaking North America, as well as about its ...
Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, and Remote A Army; Arroyo A IN B Auto in basement AA Antiaircraft artillery; Automobile Assn. AAA Agricultural Adjustment Administration; American Automobile Assn. AACR Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules AACR2 Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2d. ed. AACCCM
community - definition of community by The Free Dictionary com·mu·ni·ty (kə-myo o′nĭ-tē) n. pl. com·mu·ni·ties 1. a. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government. b. The district or locality in which such a group lives. 2. a. A group of people having common interests: the scientific