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歐洲直升飛機公司EC225直升機- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia EC225設計上根基於歐洲直升飛機公司AS332超級美洲獅,改進成融合了新造型的 五個主旋翼以減少震動。該直升機由座艙上兩枚透博梅卡馬基拉2A渦輪軸發動機 ...
Eurocopter EC225 Super Puma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Airbus Helicopters EC225 LP is a long-range passenger transport helicopter developed by Airbus Helicopters as the next generation in the civilian Super Puma family. It is a twin-engined aircraft and can carry up to 24 passengers along with 2 crew and
EC225 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation Commercial Aviation Commercial Helicopters Puma EC225 ... Description: The Aerospatiale, now Eurocopter, SA 330 Puma is a medium lift multi-purpose helicopter designed in the 1960s to meet the requirements of the French Army for an all-weather transport .
Eurocopter EC225 Super Puma MkII - Aerospace Technology The first series production EC 225 was delivered to the Ministerial Air Liaisons Group (GLAM) of the Algerian Republic in December 2004, for VIP transport. Orders have been placed for more than 60 EC225/EC725 helicopters including: Bristow Helicopters – s
Eurocopter EC725 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Eurocopter (now Airbus Helicopters) EC 725 Caracal (also named Super Cougar) is a long-range tactical transport helicopter developed from the Super Puma/Cougar family for military use. It is a twin-engined aircraft and can carry up to 29 seated troops
ec-135 | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | e Find great deals on eBay for ec-135 ec-135 1/72. Shop with confidence. ... Items in search results Revell 1:72 Scale Eurocopter EC135 $0.99 0 bids AMT revell EC-135N/E NEW factory sealed bag NO BOX W/instructs nice decals mint
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