Dummy Variable -- from Wolfram MathWorld A variable that appears in a calculation only as a placeholder and which disappears completely in the final result. For example, in the integral int_0^xf(x^')dx^', x^' is a dummy variable since it is "integrated out" in the final answer. Any variable name
math, dummy variable / integration help dummy variable / integration help OK...I think also Young's inequality / Minkowski's integral inequality is directly on-point here, but...is there a way to do it directly? Quote: > > Let p(x) = 1/sqrt(4 pi t) e^-(x^2/4t). > > Let T f (x) = INT p(x-y) f(y)
Dummy Variables - Xamuel.com In summation notation or definite integration, dummy variables stand in for quantities which range over a certain set of values. In the expression , the variable i is a dummy variable which ranges over the integers from 1 to 100 inclusive. The expression
Dummy Variables in Mathematics—Wolfram Mathematica 9 Documentation notation requires you to introduce an integration variable with a definite name. This variable is essentially "local ... to equations. With an equation like , there are an infinite number of solutions, each of the form , where is a dummy variable that ...
Issue 1992 - sympy - dummy variables of integration - Python library for symbolic mathematics - Goog It is the integration variable; the expression being integrated will have integration rules applied to it as though everything not containing foo is constant. Whatever else is in the limits represent what you want to replace foo with after the symbolic in
dummy variable integral - My Math Forum - My Math Forum Your textbook is demonstrating the useful definite integral property: On the right, let: and we have: Now, using the property: we have: and because in a definite integral, the variable of integration gets "integrated out" (which is why it is referred to a
math, Meaning of "dummy variable"? variable of integration is defined such that the bound as a dummy variable. I am certainly not connecting these two cases. David Ames Mon, 08 Nov 2010 04:41:02 GMT ...
What's the variable of integration? - Physics Help and Math Help - Physics Forums Ivan Seeking #3 Jan16-11, 02:33 PM Emeritus Sci Advisor PF Gold P: 12,493 I am reminded of an old physics professor who, when using a dummy variable x for integration of the real variable x, would sheepishly look around the room checking for any math poli
Meaning of "dummy variable"? - Tech-Archive.net: The source for usenet news sci.tech-archive.net > Archive > sci.math > 2008-05
integration - Solving an integral when using a dummy variable - Mathematics Stack Exchange In principle, you could also have used the letter $x$ as the dummy variable. But don't ever do it when one or both of the limits of integration involves $x$. ...