DSLR Controller :: Home Control your Canon EOS with your Android device! DSLR Controller was the first and is still the best app to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device, with nothing more than a USB cable. No computer ...
DSLR Controller (BETA) - Android Apps on Google Play DSLR Controller was the first and remains the best app to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device with a USB cable. No computer or laptop required, ...
可以控制Canon單眼的Android APP: DSLR Controller 提供最即時的相機、攝影週邊設備、影像器材等介紹、測試評鑑、與攝影技巧教學文章。 ... 可以控制Canon單眼的Android APP: DSLR Controller Chainfire開發團隊新推出了一款 ...
DSLR Controller 手機操控 Canon 單反相機 | Android-APK 相關文章 Galaxy S II 接駁 Canon DSLR 是真的。將 Canon 550D 以 USB Cable 經 USB OTG... Remote Release 控制單反 Canon EOS 在八月時跟大家介紹過 Chainfire 推出的 DSLR Controller A... After ...
CamCap - DSLR Controller - appappapps.com 中文科技新聞資訊平台, 提供Apple, iPhone, iPad, Android 最新消息、實用教學影片及 Your smartphone is always with you, so why carry unnecessary stuff? Let your smartphone in combination with DSLR Remote be a remote control, a timer or a HDR controller to your digital reflex camera. Whether via infrared, by wire or via Bluetooth (new!),
DIY Android based Bluetooth remote controller for Nikon DSLR | Nikon Rumors There has been many Nikon related iPhone apps featured on [NR] in the past. Here is a DIY Android based ...
Top Apps to Control Canon, Nikon dSLR with Android Tablet, Phone dSLR Controller Apps for Canon & Nikon 1. USB Cam Controller USB Cam Controller uses your USB ...
[APP][3.2+] BBQDSLR - Nikon DSLR controller | linuxine.com Stories similar to [APP][3.2+] BBQDSLR - Nikon DSLR controller tablet for dslr tethering 30 weeks 3 days ...
Video : Nikon DSLR Bluetooth Controller (Android to Arduino) Nikon DSLR Bluetooth Controller (Android to Arduino) sascottwal 04:10 59790 111 Show more This is the ...
DslrDashboard - Google Play Android 應用程式 With DslrDashboard you can control you Nikon DSLR or any other PTP ... Remote control over wireless network (Android devices must be on same network)