Dropbox - How do I delete my account? Canceling your account so soon? We'll be sorry to see you go. If you're having trouble with Dropbox or the website service, please try contacting us first. We'll do ...
Dropbox - I forgot my password. How do I reset it? To reset your password, click Forgot password? from the sign-in page or the Security tab of your account settings (if you're signed in). For a shortcut, you can ...
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How do I Easily Delete Files and Folders? | Dropbox Training | Grovo 4 1.2 default 0.01 700 http://www.grovo.com/asset/gplayer/skins/default/watermark.png?v=1 Helvetica, Arial, Sans Serif You can delete files and folders from Dropbox from the web client, thereby freeing up space on your Dropbox and on computers connected t
How do I recover deleted files? (Dropbox Help Center) Look for the event where multiple files were deleted and click the and X more files ... can upgrade your account to include the Extended Version History feature, ...
Why isn't a shared Dropbox folder deleted in other people's Dropbox when I delete it? - Super User In Dropbox I created a folder and shared it with my wife. I placed items in there and soon she had them in the shared folder on her computer. I then deleted the folder inside my dropbox folder, b... ... You cannot delete the root of a folder from someone
Dropbox Folder Sync addon [Official Page] Hi. This add-on is great. there’s only one problem that i get. When i select “unsync with Dropbox” i get a message that says “”The folder is not a symbolic link” (on Win 7). Also, after i select “sync with dropbox” the icon of the original folder appears
How to Create a Share Folder in Dropbox - Make Tech Easier That’s it. What you can/cannot do with the share folder You can’t share a folder from within your Public folder You can’t share a folder inside another shared folder. The folder is already shared Anyone you’ve invited to a folder can then add, delete or c
Friends don't let friends delete shared Dropbox items | Macworld Home Storage & Networking Friends don't let friends delete shared Dropbox items Reader Paul Cramblett has a problem with others who just don’t know how to share. He writes: I maintain a Dropbox folder that I use to share files with a select group of frien
Share a folder with Dropbox users but prevent them from modifying? - Web Applications Stack Exchange I share a folder with 4 users of Dropbox and I just want them to see automatically the files I’m adding, I don’t want them to be able to modify or delete anything inside it. So, how ...