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Eyes Wide Shut (1999) - IMDb Directed by Stanley Kubrick. With Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sydney Pollack, Marie Richardson. A New York City doctor, who is married to an art curator, pushes himself on a harrowing and dangerous night-long odyssey of sexual and moral discovery after his
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Bates method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Bates method is an alternative therapy aimed at improving eyesight. Eye-care physician William Horatio Bates, M.D., (1860–1931) attributed nearly all sight problems to habitual strain of the eyes, and felt that glasses were harmful and never necessary
EMDR Institute, Inc. The EMDR Institute , founded by Dr Francine Shapiro in 1990, offers quality trainings in the EMDR methodology, a treatment approach which has been empirically validated in over 24 randomized studies of trauma victims. An additional 24 studies have ...