MS-DOS del command help - Computer Hope Information and help with the MS-DOS command del. ... About del. Del is a command used to delete files from the computer.
Deleting files in MS-DOS without a prompt. - Computer Hope Information about deleting files in MS-DOS and the Windows command line without recieving a prompt.
MS-DOS rd and rmdir command help - Computer Hope Removes an empty directory in MS-DOS. To delete directories with files or directories within them the user must use the deltree command, or if you are running ...
DOS - How to delete all files and subdirectories in a directory ... Okay, not really DOS, but from a Windows Server command prompt. ... For example, the following command will remove directory C:\blah and all subdirectories ...
How do I delete a file or folder? - Computer Hope Steps on how to delete a file or folder on your computer. ... See the below MS- DOS users section for information about deleting a file or folder at the Windows ...
How to Delete a Program in DOS | eHow Deleting a file or program in Windows is normally a simple task. However, there may be times when the file becomes locked and impossible to delete due to a virus or file ...
MS-DOS del command help - Computer Hope's free computer help Examples Note: In Microsoft Windows deleted items go to the Recycle Bin, keep in mind that deleting files from MS-DOS or the Windows command line does not send files to the Recycle Bin. Tip: Use the rmdir or deltree command to delete directories del test.
MS-DOS code to delete old Files - The TechTarget Expert Community - IT Knowledge Exchange I am using Windows XP and need to write a DOS batch (.bat) file that will delete old files from a directory. This will run on a schedule and will not require human interaction to input any data. My problem is, I am not good at writing batch files.
How can I delete all files/subdirs except for some files in DOS? - Stack Overflow I'm looking for a DOS script to delete all files and subdirectories in a root directory except for a set of batch files (*.bat) that are in the root directory. Any DOS jocks out there that ...
Remove a Directory and All Subdirectories - Windows XP and DOS Use these Windows XP and DOS command line parameters with the RMDIR command to remove all subdirectories.