Domain | Define Domain at noun 1. a field of action, thought, influence, etc.: the domain of science. 2. the territory governed by a single ruler or government; realm. ... c.1425, in Scottish dialect, from M.Fr. domaine, from O.Fr. demaine "lord's estate," from L. dominium "proper
Domain knowledge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Domain knowledge is valid knowledge used to refer to an area of human endeavour, an autonomous computer activity, or other specialized discipline.
domain knowledge – Dictionary definition of domain ... Definition of domain knowledge – Our online dictionary has domain knowledge information from A Dictionary of Computing dictionary. ...
How to configure a domain suffix search list on the Domain Name System clients This article describes how to automate the process of configuring the domain suffix search list on your Domain Name System (DNS) clients. This article does not describe when it is necessary to configure the domain suffix search list on a client. This...
Domain-specific language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A domain-specific language (DSL) is a computer language specialized to a particular application domain. This is in contrast to a general-purpose language (GPL), which is broadly applicable across domains, and lacks specialized features for a particular do
Modeling SDK for Visual Studio - Domain-Specific Languages Using the Modeling SDK for Visual Studio (MSDK), you can create powerful model-based development tools that you can integrate into Visual Studio. As an example, the UML ...
Departmentalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia When taking a closer look at the three ways of departmentalization by purpose–product, customer, and location–we note that there are some specific advantages related to it. First, self-containment tends to improve the ability for internal coordination wit
How Domain knowledge is Important for testers? — Software Testing Help What is the advantage of having domain knowledge in testing? Do companies prefer candidates having good domain knowledge? There are three main categories in ... Jayant Deo asks: “Looking at the current scenario from the industry it is seen that the tester
You receive an NDR with a 5.4.6 status code when you send a message to a specific domain in Exchange Your Exchange server hosts a domain called When you send a message to any recipient whose e-mail addresses are in a domain such as, you immediately receive the following non-delivery report (NDR). Note The recipient ...
Writing Your First Domain Specific Language, Part 1 of 2 - CodeProject A guide to writing a compiler in .NET for beginners, using Irony.; Author: Daniel Flower; Updated: 26 Apr 2009; Section: Algorithms & Recipes; Chapter: General Programming; Updated: 26 Apr 2009 ... Hi Russell, thanks for the comments. I must admit I havn'