鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- Mail Server 在這個郵件伺服器的架設中,我們首先談論 Mail 與 DNS 的重要相關性,然後依序介紹 Mail Server 的相關名詞,以及 Mail Server 的運作基本流程與協定,也會談到相關的 Relay 與郵件認證機制等項目, ...
設定DNS 伺服器使用轉寄站 - TechNet - Microsoft 設定DNS 伺服器使用轉寄站. 適用於: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2. 轉寄站是網路上的網域名稱系統(DNS) 伺服器,用來將外部DNS 名稱的DNS ...
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- Mail Server -- Sendmail 郵件主機之簡易設定、使用 Sendmail 郵件伺服器之設定 ... Mail 與 DNS 系統的相關性: 一直以來,Mail server 與 DNS 系統就是分不開的,怎麼說呢?今天如果你要寄電子郵件的話,那麼就得藉由郵件主機幫你將信件送出去,對吧!
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Disable Recursion on the DNS Server - TechNet - Microsoft Installed Help for Windows Server 2008 R2 ... To disable recursion on the DNS server using the Windows interface.
Professional Toolset | DNSstuff - DNS tools | Manage Monitor Analyze | DNSstuff Tools Trio for Microsoft Active Directory Inactive User Account Removal Tool Enables you to scan Active Directory and optionally remove users who have not logged in for a certain amount of time. Inactive Computer Account Removal Tool Enables you ...
SMTP Relay, Port Forwarding, Dynamic DNS and Other Network Requiremets for Running Your Own Server - In this Daily Blob Eli the Computer Guy discusses the networking requirements for running a server out of your home or office. He talks about: finding your external IP address, internet speed, latency, static and dynamic IP addresses, dynamic DNS, MX reco
Managing DNS in Windows Server 2012 | Cyrus Besharat In “How to install DNS on Windows Server 2012 ?” post, I explained DNS installation, and now I talk about managing a DNS server. If you have installed DNS on a Domain Controller, the administrative job will become so less, because DNS is integrated into A
Installing Windows DNS Server - IIS Underground This tutorial will guide you through setting up Windows DNS Server and adding your first domain so that you can host your own domains name servers. Time to complete: ~20 minutes + up to 48 hours waiting time Requirements: - Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 - 2
How to Configure DNS Forwarders in Windows Server 2008 R2 - YouTube This is a video tutorial on how to configure DNS Forwarders in Windows Server 2008 R2. More guides and tutorials: http://www.itgeared.com/.