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All about USB | USB 3.0, USB Gadgets, USB Lifestyle, USB Gaming, USB Tools, USB DIY, USB stuffs | Br provides USB peripherals, parts, accessories and Lots Interesting USB stuffs, USB gadgets, USB lifestyle products for customers. ... Other Shops
廢物利用DIY usb風扇(第1頁) - 散熱器- Mobile01 近來天氣越顯得炎熱,筆電也常常溫度過高而當機,今日閒來無事,想說手邊有台 報廢電腦,就自己試著做 ...
USB風扇DIY @ 喵球爸(喵爸)的部落格:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 2014年4月28日 ... 將風扇固定在IP分享器和光世代數據機上,散熱效果一級棒!USB電源就接上IP分享 器的USB就可以了~
[DIY]自製USB風扇@ FIVE :: 痞客邦PIXNET :: - 45 看到這價錢,心中的那股馬蓋先魂爆發了找了一下實驗室,發現有不用USB滑鼠跟不用 的電腦風扇心中大笑,哈哈~來做一個 ...
12V风扇深度DIY改USB风扇之手绕无刷电机- YouTube 2012年6月11日 - 7 分鐘 - 上傳者:Jie Wu 银欣SST-AP121W-USB 桌面型USB接口穿甲弹风扇采用手工绕制无刷电机(双 ...
USB Fan Out Of Old Computer Fan - Instructables In this instructable I took a USB cable and a old computer fan and made the fan USB ... I made it, though instead of a USB Cable, I used a power cable that goes ...
Weekend project: DIY USB on-the-go from old cables | Android Central USB on-the-go cables are handy as heck with Android devices. They're a specially wired cable that allows the same USB port you use to charge or communicate with a computer to be used to connect USB peripherals right to your tablet or phone. That means ...
DIY USB Powered Desk Fan - YouTube Just a simple way of making a free desk fan from things you may have lying around! My Links: Twitter:!/CollinAppleGeek Empire Avenue: Photography Site: T
DIY USB Cooling Fan (VIDEO) - Instructables - DIY How To Make Instructions NOTE: Video version of my famous instructable.DESCRIPTION: An easy step to step Tutorial explaining how you can build a USB Cooling Fan for your not... ... I built one yesterday. I'd been playing around with building one for myself, and then my girlfriend