My DELL monitor is stuck on "Power saving mode" with my new PC ... Hi there, I've just got a new PC, but my monitor (2007 DELL SD flat screen) is saying "Power saving mode" and wont display anything, I've done the following to ...
螢幕省電模式- dell螢幕省電模式問題 - iList輕鬆找 螢幕省電模式- iList輕鬆找– 台灣最完整的電話地址目錄.
電腦WINDOWS XP讀取後螢幕變黑讀取前畫面有雜訊- Yahoo ... 請大家幫幫我昨晚我在用電腦突然螢幕整個變黑螢幕顯示進入省電模式看了主機( ... 碟燈也不時在閃爍)後來強制關機重開後發現在一開始再DELL 開機畫面時我按F8 ...