用DD-WRT快速建立PPTP VPN Server | 蘇老碎碎唸 2010年2月21日 - 有支援的軔體版本請參考官方連結。 設定方式非常簡單,兩張圖就講完。 進入分享器的頁面後,找[伺服器] -> [VPN],然後點選啟用[PPTP 伺服器]。
數位天堂 / [DD-WRT] PPTP VPN server 數位天堂 http://digiland.tw ... 話說, 最近有網友提到VPN的問題, 簡單分享自己的心得. 我個人運用VPN, 遠端管理server. 例如: server安裝雙網卡. eth0接ATU-R, 為真實IP, 提供http服務; eth1接Router(DD-WRT)的LAN, 為虛擬IP, 提供ssh, samba服務, 且由Router負責 ...
數位天堂 / dd-wrt open vpn 設定範例 2 1 A點的DD-WRT 設定 (主要提供OPEN VPN STATIC KEY SITE TO SITE 用 , 及提供CA 撥入 , STATIC KEY撥入) UDP 800 為XP 使用OPEN VPN GUI 配合CA 設定撥入用 UDP 900 為XP 使用OPEN VPN GUI 配合static key 設定撥入用 UDP 2000 則為和主點 ...
DD-WRT 啟用PPTP Server (VPN Server) 功能 2013年6月29日 - DD-WRT 啟動 PPTP Server (VPN Server) 功能非常的容易,以下透過DD-WRT 後台Web 進行設定。 首先開啟您的DD-WRT 管理介面,選擇伺服 ...
DD-WRT建立PPTP VPN Server | 一路往前走! 2010年4月27日 - 一般家用會想建立VPN的重點不外乎是有在常出國會發生吧! 其實這個 ... 這不對於這類多做解釋,現在先看看DD-WRT中如何設定VPN. Server吧 ...
VPN - DD-WRT Wiki [edit] Security Interesting article about strength and security of PKI today Pro-Linux (german) [edit] VPN with PPTP On DD-WRT, go to the Administration->Services and set PPTP server to active, save the changes, then set the IP of router ( for
Using DD-WRT VPN Routers - PPTP VPN Setup Tutorial - EarthVPN PPTP VPN Setup for DD-WRT If you don’t have a DD-WRT flashed router and would like to purchase one preconfigured with the EarthVPN DD-WRT application, our parther FlashRouters can help you. They provide a hassle free alternative to the somewhat ...
How to Setup a VPN Server Using a DD-WRT Router We have previously covered how to set up a PPTP VPN Server using Debian Linux here on Sysadmin Geek, however if you are already utilizing a DD-WRT firmware based router in your network then you can easily configure your router to act as the PPTP VPN ...
PPTP Server Configuration - DD-WRT Wiki - www.dd-wrt.com | Unleash Your Router A PPTP Server (Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol) allows you to connect securely from a remote location (such as your home) to an LAN (Local Area Network) located in another location, such as your workplace, business office, etc. This way you can use the
Create Your Own VPN Server with DD-WRT - Wi-Fi Planet - The Source for Wi-Fi Business and Technology Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) aren't just for corporate networks. You can setup your own VPN sever in your home or small office using a wireless router and free, Open Source DD-WRT. ... Create Your Own VPN Server with DD-WRT By Wi-Fi Planet Staff May ..