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挑戰準專業機種,Nikon D7000 魅力實測 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 談到2010年下半年談論度最高的數位單眼相機,絕對非Nikon D7000莫屬,以全新1620萬畫素CMOS感光元件加上Expeed 2,帶來ISO 25600超高感光度、1920 x 1080 @24fps錄影規格;還有39點自動對焦系統、雙SD記憶卡插槽、視野率100%觀景窗等,成為最火熱 ... d7000 gps Opteka GPN-1 Geotag GPS & Shutter Release Cord for Nikon D3, D3S, D3X, D4, D700, D300, D300S, D2X, D2XS, D2HS, D200, D5000, D5100, D5200, D3100, D3200, D7000, D90 and D800 DSLR Cameras (Nikon GP-1 Replacement) by Opteka
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D7000 -- Engadget Nikon D7000可以說是今年最火紅的數位單眼了,畢竟比上D90,在機能上可以說是大躍進,相信有不少玩家搶著 ... 可能覺得花了錢買GPS模組卻只能給相機用很浪費,卻又覺得手邊的Nikon D90或是DX000不能搭配GPS很可惜,或是覺得原廠摩組裝在熱靴上很 ...
D7000 and GPS DP NIKON D90 - D40 / D5000 FORUM Hi, could you please give me an advice what GPS unit buy for my Nikon D7000 camera? Preferebly, I would like to buy the "YongNuo N-918" GPS unit, but is the YoungNuo N-918 compatible with Nikon D7000? Some sellers ... nikon d7000 gps Opteka GPN-1 Geotag GPS & Shutter Release Cord for Nikon D3, D3S, D3X, D4, D700, D300, D300S, D2X, D2XS, D2HS, D200, D5000, D5100, D5200, D3100, D3200, D7000, D90 and D800 DSLR Cameras (Nikon GP-1 Replacement) by Opteka
自製尼康D7000相機GPS - 攝影器材資訊頻道 打算10.1和朋友進西藏大北線,想給相機弄個GPS,以後拍出的照片就有GPS資訊了。上網一查,原廠的GP-1要1800,真坑爹! 再找找,發現有人做過尼康的GPS,於是想想,我也動手來試試看。網上沒有找到現成的D7000的自製GPS資訊
Nikon D7000 GPS | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | eBay Find great deals on eBay for Nikon D7000 GPS in Camera and Photo Accessories. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content eBay Shop by category Enter your search keyword Advanced eBay Deals My eBay Sell Community Customer Support < Home You are ...