Canon EOS 7D [APS-C片幅旗艦機]完全測試報告(影音版) | 攝影家手札 Canon 7D是一部從頭改到尾的全新旗艦機,包括:最高畫素的APS-C機種、引擎、AF系統、測光系統、Full-HD動畫錄製、觀景窗、各式專業配件支援等,令人目不暇給!
觀想即得 DX機皇Nikon D300S 實測登場 - Mobile01 本站新聞 ... 謠言的發酵,根據Nikon的命名規則來看,D300的接班人最有可能的便是搭載錄影功能的小改款D300S,因此大家都把重點放在到底會不會有1080P的錄影功能上面,經過了漫長的等待之後,終於就在日前 Nikon發表了D300S,不但連拍速度相較D300進步為 ...
有人在德寶光學數位影音買過相機嗎(第1頁) - Canon單眼相機- Mobile01 請問有人在,德寶光學數位影音買過相機嗎??? 這是yahoo拍賣,平價好高喔.... 請問有在這網拍上買過 ...
Nikon D300s - Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictures Finder 0.53x magnification with standard (for DX) 28mm lens. (0.94x with 50mm tele lens). Glass pentaprism. 100% coverage. 19.5mm eye relief (eyepoint).-2 to +1 diopters. On-demand grid lines, much better than needing to replace a screen a la Canon.
Nikon D300s vs Canon EOS 7D | Cameralabs - Camera reviews, DSLR reviews, lens reviews, photography g Looking for a Nikon D300s review? We've directly compared it against big rivals from Canon. Includes sample images, videos and the best prices. ... As its predecessor, Nikon’s D300 is the closest model to the D300s, and the one with which it shares most i
Canon 7D vs Nikon D300S - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon 7D vs Nikon D300S to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: dynamic range, movie format, focus points, color depth and overall ...
Canon 7D Vs. Nikon D300s - Head to Head Review of Canon 7D Vs. Nikon D300s In this review, I'll be comparing Canon's EOS 7D and Nikon's D300s. Both of these cameras are the manufacturers' top of the range APS-C format DSLRs. So, which one is the ...
Battle of the Flagships: Olympus E-5, Pentax K5, Canon 7D, Nikon D300s: Which is Better? - The Phobl This is it: the moment you’ve been waiting for if you’ve been trying to figure out which camera to purchase or which one is best for you. After completing long, exhaustive testing of the Pentax K-5, Canon 7D, Nikon D300s and Olympus E-5, we are proud to a
Canon 5D Mark II, 7D, 5D and Nikon D300 Comparison Let's compare the technical performance of the Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 7D, Canon 5D and Nikon D300 at various ISOs. This will show us both the high-ISO ...
Canon 7D Vs. Nikon D300s - Digital Cameras - In this review, I'll be comparing Canon's EOS 7D and Nikon's D300s. Both of these cameras are the manufacturers' top of the range APS-C format DSLRs.