第6章:陣列 請使用C語言宣告大小為100個元素的整數陣列students[],如下所示: .... 和arrMin()函數傳入整數陣列,傳回值是陣列的最大值和最小值,C程式可以讓使用者輸入5個 ...
How to Find a Maximum in the Array in C | eHow Finding the maximum of an array is a straightforward process in C involving an array, a loop and a variable to store the maximum value. Normally, you use a for loop to look at ...
c語言,利用function找出陣列中的最大值,哪裡有錯? - Yahoo!奇摩 ... 題目: Write a function which returns the maximum number in .... "Write a function which returns the ...
Dev C++抓取陣列元素最大最小值位置20點- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 這題只是要求「最大值位置」與「最小值位置」, 用循序搜尋法複雜度是O(n),若用排序 ... c語言的printf跟c.
C++第十九題:找出數值陣列中的最大值與最小值& index - C/C++ - 結訓課 ... 種子論壇找出數值陣列中的最大值與最小值,即其相關的索引值(index)。 - Discuz! Board.
C Programming - Finding Maximum in an Array - Peter H. Anderson C ** ** Illustrates function to find the max all of the elements of an array ** ** Peter H. Anderson, MSU, Feb 21, '97 ** */ #include <stdio.h> int max_array(int a[], ...
C program to find maximum element in array | Programming Simplified This code find maximum or largest element present in an array. It also prints the location or index at which maximum element occurs in array. This can also be ...
Multi dimensional array (3D Array) in C Programming Language C allows array of two or more dimensions and maximum numbers of dimension a C program can have is depend on the compiler we are using. Generally, an array having one dimension is called 1D array, array having two dimensions called 2D array and so on. So i
C Programming Tutorial C Programming Tutorial, learn C programming, C aptitude question answers, C interview questions with answers, C programs, find all basic as well as complex C programs with output and proper explanation making C language easy and interesting for you to lea
C language interview questions and answers - Freshers Venture This section provides c questions and answers for interview preparation and other competitive exams. ... 69) When do we get logical errors? The Logical Errors occur if the solution procedure for the given problem itself is wrong. In this case, the outputs