網路農夫 -- UNIX C SHELL - 元智資工網路實驗室 實際上也是草稿份量最大的一個部分,但總覺得撰寫 Shell Script 不應該在使用 C shell,所以至今尚未發表過.....這大致上就是這份文件的過往與現況.... 至於本人由於工作性質的轉變,幾乎已經不再使用 UNIX OS,手上的幾...
Shell Script While Loop Examples - nixCraft: Linux Tips, Hacks, Tutorials, And Ideas In Blog Format Shell Script While Loop Examples by Nix Craft on July 16, 2009 · 21 comments · LAST UPDATED July 16, ...
[轉貼] UNIX C Shell 程式設計 - 中山大學西灣WEB-BBS - 國立 ... 此外,csh的加強版本tcsh更是好用,所以當你熟悉了csh之後可以嚐試一下更好用的tcsh。 □C-Shell 程式設計介紹□ SHELL SCRIPT也就是可讓csh執行的檔案之 ...
Unix: csh Shell Loop Example - nixCraft 2013年7月29日 - Please note that csh was popular for many innovative features but csh has never been as popular for scripting. If you are writing system level rc ...
csh: while read - LinuxQuestions.org Is there an equivalent in csh to bash's while read variable list ? ... Welcome to LinuxQuestions.org, a friendly and active Linux Community. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receiv
The while loop in csh - Home | Department of Computer Science The while loop in csh while (expression) … end while expression is true (nonzero) repeat the body of the loop set a = 99 set b = 57 while ($a != $b) if ($a > $b) then @ a = $a - $b else @ b = $b - $a endif end echo The GCD is $a set backups = 10 while ($b
CSH Read CSH's The Pipeline Blog What does CSH do? How can I hire CSH? Where do I find CSH publications? What is supportive housing? How can I support CSH? Does CSH offer loan products? Can CSH help me find housing? Latest Veteran Supportive ...
Shell Script While Loop Examples - nixCraft 2009年7月16日 - Can you provide me a while loop control flow statement shell script syntax and example that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a ...
C shell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The C shell (csh or the improved version, tcsh, on most machines) is a Unix shell that was created by Bill Joy while he was a graduate student at University of California, Berkeley in the late 1970s. It has been distributed widely, beginning with the 2BSD
[csh] Simple loops in csh or tcsh | *NIX Tricks 3 Mar 2011 ... If you are stuck with a c-shell and you want to print (or execute a command) for an increment, say of 5, in a variable (for example, $x), then do ...