Shell Script While Loop Examples - nixCraft: Linux Tips, Hacks, Tutorials, And Ideas In Blog Format Shell Script While Loop Examples by Nix Craft on July 16, 2009 · 21 comments · LAST UPDATED July 16, ...
C Shell Scripts If a shell script written in a given scripting language must run under the appropriate shell, the first line of the script should specify the shell it must run under.
Unix: csh Shell Loop Example - nixCraft 2013年7月29日 - Please note that csh was popular for many innovative features but csh has never been as popular for scripting. If you are writing system level rc ...
The while loop in csh - Home | Department of Computer Science The while loop in csh while (expression) … end while expression is true (nonzero) repeat the body of the loop set a = 99 set b = 57 while ($a != $b) if ($a > $b) then @ a = $a - $b else @ b = $b - $a endif end echo The GCD is $a set backups = 10 while ($b
Shell Script While Loop Examples - nixCraft 2009年7月16日 - Can you provide me a while loop control flow statement shell script syntax and example that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a ...
Shell Script While Loop Examples-Linux - Sources68 - Programming tutorials and source code examples Shell Script While Loop Examples- Linux HOME PHP HTML CSS XML JAVA SCRIPT MYSQL MY PROFILE SUBMIT ...
[csh] Simple loops in csh or tcsh | *NIX Tricks 3 Mar 2011 ... If you are stuck with a c-shell and you want to print (or execute a command) for an increment, say of 5, in a variable (for example, $x), then do ...
The while loop in csh The while loop in csh. while (expression) … end. while expression is true ( nonzero) repeat the body of the loop. set a = 99. set b = 57. while ($a != $b).
bash - csh/sh for loop - how to? - Stack Overflow i'm trying to write a for loop that executes 2 scripts on FreeBSD. I don't ... csh does loops fine, the problem is that you are using exec, which ...
How to add loop counter to foreach in csh - Stack Overflow In CSH foreach loop or for loop, how can I add a loop iterator or counter which increases from 10 to 1000 ... Yes, I was just showing examples.