csh: while read - LinuxQuestions.org Is there an equivalent in csh to bash's while read variable list ?
Read user input with spaces in csh Shell Script - Stack Overflow It's because you're not using quotes in your SET statement. When you enter "r r r" as your input, the two different variants (unquoted and quoted) are ...
Read user input in both bash and csh - Stack Overflow It would be hard to think of two more different shells than csh and bash. They are different languages, you cannot expect csh code to work in bash, ...
shell - Reading line by line from a file in unix - Stack Overflow bin/csh set files = ("csl_nl.sts") foreach file ('cat files') echo "Copying" $file "to" ... Read The Bible on reading lines and file manipulation.
How can I read one line at a time with C shell in unix - Stack Overflow I try to make a small script, using c shell, that will take a file made of ... I have managed to solve it using the next piece of code: foreach line ("`grep ...
Help with csh, read in a file line by line | Unix Linux Forums ... I want to process some audio with: sox \$audio1 \$audio2 trim \$start_time \$dur How can I batch process them by read in a file containing the ...
tcsh read command ......? | Unix Linux Forums | UNIX for Advanced ... i have just started to use the tcsh shell as a sort of personal challenge since I see so many users using other shells than just bash... I have ...
Read variable from file in a C shell script | Unix Linux Forums ... Hi, I have a 1-line file which looks like " First second third 4 five". I need to extract the number (here 4) in that line and put it in a variable.
Handling stdin with csh - AriZonaEd! To read input from stdin using the csh (similiar to while read VARIABLE with ksh), do the following: while ( 1 ) set LINE = "$
cshell reading file line by line - Linux Forums.org hey all, I have this code : #!/bin/tcsh -f set line=($ 0) echo $line.