csh file read line | BlOGTW SO Top Ten Reasons not to use the C shell …file, and read and delete the first line. How ugly and extremely inefficient…1000. Now what if you want to read a file, and ask the user something during…www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot/ Solaris常見問題
Unix shell - View topic - csh loop to read from a file I'm working on a .cshrc file, so using ksh/sh/perl isn't really an option here. I'd like something like the following to work in csh: while (1) set line = $< if ( "$line" = "" ) break set line = ( $line ) alias $line[1] $line[2] end < file.to.read.from
Csh Shell Read File - Askives Docs Read related documents and downloads about Csh Shell Read File. Find answers researching ebooks, papers or essays. An Introduction to the C shell - Kitebird ... .cshrc csh, tcsh Read for each new shell.login csh, tcsh Read only for login shells File Shell
Re: csh read file question - The Mail Archive [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > I'm on a box that uses csh as its default shell, > so I'm wondering if there > is a way in csh shell scripting to read in a file a line at a time, and then > get the fourth token on each line. The tokens are separated by space
Csh Read File Foreach - Askives Docs Read related documents and downloads about Csh Read File Foreach. Find answers researching ebooks, papers or essays. UNIX, Shell Scripting and Perl Introduction ... (This definition applies to all Pig Latin operators except LOAD and STORE which read data
Csh Script Read Text File - Askives Docs Read related documents and downloads about Csh Script Read Text File. Find answers researching ebooks, papers or essays. CHAPTER 3 SHELL PROGRAMS: SCRIPTS - METU | Department Of ... ... $ cat >script.csh # file extension has no importance # this ...
Reading a file in C shell | Unix Linux Forums | UNIX for Dummies ... I recently started working in c shell and I am embarassed to say I can't get a single read ...
Help with csh, read in a file line by line | Unix Linux Forums ... How can I batch process them by read in a file containing the values for the variables ...
reading the values from a file in C Shell for loop | Unix Linux ... How can we read the values from a file (line by line) through C shell loop. For Ex: ...
read a file and creating variables in csh - Computing.Net hi, I need to merge a few files together the problem is that I have so many files that it will ...